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and water-works, and by them a system of sewerage was carried out in 1854 at a cost of about 30,000. The city

has a recorder and separate court of quarter sessions.

The market is held on Saturdays and Wednesdays, the former being the principal market. The grain is sold in the open street in bulk. Population in 1871, 31,074.

CARLISLE, a town of the United States, capital of Cumberland county in Pennsylvania, about 2/ miles south of the Conedogwinet Creek, and 18 miles west of Harris- burg by the Cumberland V alley Railway. The town is well built, has spacious streets, and contains thirteen churches. Of its public buildings the most interesting is Dickinson College, which was founded in 1783, and pos sesses an extensive library. In the immediate neighbour hood are barracks, which date from 1777, and are capable of containing 2000 men; and about four miles to the north, in a pleasant valley of the Blue Mountains, is the summer resort known as Carlisle Springs. Carlisle was founded in 1751, and in 1794 it was the headquarters of Washington during the Whisky Rebellion. On the night of 1st July 1803 it was bombarded by the Confederate troops. Population in 1870, 6650.

CARLISLE, Frederick Howard, Fifth Earl of (1 748- 1825), a statesman and author, was born in 1748. During his youth he was chiefly known as a man of pleasure and fashion ; and after he had reached thirty years of age, his appointment on a commission sent out by Lord North to attempt a reconciliation with the American colonies was received with sneers by the Opposition. The failure of the embassy was not, however, due to any incapacity on the part of the earl, but to the unpopularity of the Govern ment from which it received its authority. He was, in deed, considered to have displayed so much ability that he was entrusted with the vice-royalty of Ireland in 1780. The time was one of the greatest difficulty ; for while the calm of the country was disturbed by the American rebel lion, it was drained of regular troops, and large bands of volunteers not under the control of the Government had been formed. Nevertheless, the two years of Carlisle s rule passed in quietness and prosperity, and the institution of a national bank and other measures which he effected left per manently beneficial results upon the commerce of the island. In 1789, in the discussions as to the regency, Carlisle took a prominent part on the side of the Prince of Wales. In 1791 he opposed Pitt s policy of resistance to the dismem berment of Turkey by Russia ; but, on the outbreak of the French Revolution he left the Opposition, and vigor ously maintained the cause of war. In 1815 he opposed the enactment of the Corn Laws ; but from this time till his death, which occurred in 1825, he took no important part in public life. Carlisle was the author of some political tracts, a number of poems, and two tragedies, the Father s Revenge and the Stepmother, which received high praise from his contemporaries.

CARLISLE, George William Frederick Howard, Seventh Earl of (1802-1 864), Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, was born in London, 18th April 1802. He was the eldest son of the sixth earl by his wife Lady Georgiana Cavendish, eldest daughter of the duke of Devonshire, and bore at first the courtesy title of Lord Morpeth. He was edu cated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, where he earned a reputation as a scholar and writer of graceful verse, obtaining in 1821 both the Chancellor s and the Newdigate prizes for a Latin and an English poem. Two years later he graduated B.A. as first class in classics. In 1826 he accompanied his uncle, the duke of Devonshire, to Russia, to attend the coronation of the Emperor Nicholas, and became a great favourite in society at St Petersburg. At the general election of the same year he was returned to parliament as member for the family borough of Mor peth. In one of his earliest speeches he undertook, at the risk of forfeiting the good opinion of the Liberal party, the defence of the Russian emperor against severe attacks made on him in reference to the suppression of the Polish insurrection of 1830. In the agitation for parliamentary reform he took the side of Earl Grey ; and after the dis solution of parliament, which took place about that time, he was elected member for Yorkshire. This seat he held till after the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. In the following year he was returned for the West Riding ; and in 1835 he was appointed by Lord Melbourne Chief Secre tary for Ireland, a position at that time of great difficulty, O Connell being then at the height of his reputation. This post he held for about six years, winning great popularity by his amiable manners and kindly disposition. Losing his seat at the election of 1841, he availed himself of the leisure thus afforded him "to visit the United States. He afterwards gave an account of this visit in a popular lecture, first delivered at Leeds and subsequently repeated at other places. In 1846 he was again elected for the West Riding. Two years later, on the death of his father, he succeeded to the peerage and took his seat in the Upper House. He accepted office as Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, and afterwards as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The great event of his life, however, was his appointment by Lord Palmerston to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland in 1855. This high office he continued to hold till Maicli 1858, and again from June 1859 till within a few months of his death. His retirement in August 1864 was neces sitated by failing health. Lord Carlisle was not a man ol great and original power, but he was above the average in knowledge, in acquirements, and in eloquence. As* a debater he held his own in the midst of a large number of great orators, and in the stormy controversies of his Insn secretaryship he succeeded in carrying through the House of Commons several measures of great importance. His literary tastes and culture were displayed in various popular lectures and in several published works. Among these may be mentioned a lecture on The Life and Writings of Pope (1851); TJie Last of the Greeks, a tragedy (1828) ; a Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters (1854), the fruit of travels in the East in 1853 and 1854 ; and a volume of Poems, published after his death. He took warm interest in the reformation of juvenile criminals, and established on his own estate one of the best conducted reformatories in the country. Lord Carlisle died at Castle Howard on the 5th of December 1864. He was never married, and was succeeded in the peerage by his brother. In 1866 appeared his Viceregal Speeches, collected and edited by J. Gaskin.

CARLOW, an inland county of Ireland, in the province of Leinster, situated between 52 26 and 52 54 N. lat., and 6 30 and 7 12 W. long., and comprising an area of 346 square miles, or 221,342 acres. It is bounded N. by Kil- dare and Wicklow, E. by Wicklow and Wexford, S. by Wexford, and W. by Queen s County and Kilkenny, Excepting Louth it is the smallest county in Ireland.

The surface of the county is in general level or gently undulating, and of pleasing appearance, except the elevated tract of land known as the ridge of Old Leighlin, forming the commencement of the coal measures of Leinster, and the south-eastern portion of the county bordering on Wexford, where the wild and barren granitic elevations of Knockroe (1746 feet) and Mount Leinster (2610 feet) present a bolder aspect.

There are no lakes or canals in the county, neither does

it contain the source of any important river ; but on ita western side it is intersected from north to south by the Barrow, which is navigable throughout the whole extent of

the county and affords means of communication with the