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was again rebuilt on a larger scale by his successor Arch bishop Anselm, whose work, in turn, on being restored after the fire of 1172, was then considerably enlarged, especially by the addition of a chapel and corona, both dedicated to St Thomas, at its eastern end. In this state substantially the choir remains to the present day. Lanfranc s nave survived till the 14th century, when it was rebuilt, with the exception of one western tower, taken down in 1834. The central tower was not completed till about 1500. The most interesting parts remaining in the present church are (1) the site of the murder of Becket in the north-west transept, which still shows the mark of the altar erected in its commemoration, though a prevalent story of a stone in the pavement from which his blood stain has been cut out, is a modern fiction ; (2) the site of the shrine itself, shown by the rough flooring in the centre of its chapel, King Henry s commissioners having destroyed the very pavement on which it stood; (3) a few remaining windows of rich 12th century glass, unique in- England and scarcely equalled on the Continent ; (4) monuments of the Black Prince, of Henry IV. and his queen, and of several of the archbishops from Peckham to Pole ; (5) fine remains of Norman fresco-painting in the apse of St Gabriel in the crypt ; and (6) the choir itself, built through the ten years succeeding 1174, an interest ing specimen of the gradual transition from the Norman style progressing in England at the latter end of the 12th century, and showing especially the first introduction of that Southern-French variety of detail which gained a place in the new style now known as Early English. Many of the monastic buildings still remain, as the cloisters, the chapter-house, the treasury, the two entrance gateways, and the lavatory tower now used as a baptistery ; and scattered in the precincts are relics of the infirmary, the dormitory, the prior s house, and three sets of buildings for hospitality to three different grades of pilgrims all show ing great beauty of architecture. The chapter buildings,

added in the last few years, are not so praiseworthy.

Of St Augustine s Abbey the remains are fewer ; but a beautiful gateway of the 14th century, the abbot s hall, and some remains of the great church, attest its former magnificence. Of the other religious foundations of the city, no remains exist of St Gregory s priory or St Sepul chre s nunnery, but interesting parts are left of the Grey or Franciscan Friars, the White or Angustinian, and the Black or Dominican Friars (the latter the first friary of this order established in England) ; also of the hospitals of St John, Northgate; St Nicholas, Harbledown ; St Thomas, Eastbridge ; St Lawrence ; and that of the Poor Priests, of which the first three still remain in use as almshouses. Of the fifteen parish churches which exist the most remarkable is St Martin s, the church frequented by Bertha the queen of Ethelbert before Augustine s arrival and thus the earliest seat of English Christianity. In this church Ethelbert must have been baptized, and the exist ing font has been supposed of that age ; rude and archaic, however, as it is, it is not earlier than a Norman date, though Saxon masonry still exists in the church walls.

Among the secular remains there are large portions of the city walls, mostly of the 15th century, but connected in parts with an earthen bank of a very much earlier date, and in one spot with a conical mound called the Dane-John or Donjon, probably of Celtic origin. The Norman keep of the castle, one of Bishop Gundulph s works, still exists, but in a very mutilated condition, as well as a fine gateway tower, the west gate of the city, built about the year 1380 by Archbishop Sudbury. The Guild Hall is of old work, but has been refaced with modern brick ; and part remains of the Chequers Inn for pilgrims, built by Prior Chillenden about the year 1400, and mentioned by Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales ; but much of this was burnt down in 1865.

There are slight remains also of the archbishop s palace, built on the very ground originally given by King Ethel bert before his conversion, and then known as Staplegate ; but the archbishops have ceased to reside in Canterbury since the 17th century.

The following is a list of archbishops of Canterbury to the present day :

1. Augustine, 597 to 605. 2. Laurentius, 605 to 619. 3. Mellitus, 619 to 624. 4. Justus, 624 to 630. 5. Honorius, 631 to 653. 6. Deusdedit, 655 to 664. 7. Theodore, 668 to 690. 8. BerhtuaW, 693 to 731. 9. Tffitwine, 731 to 734. 10. Nothelm, 735 to 741. 11. Cuthbert, 741 to 758. 12. Breogwine, 759 fo 762. 13. Jtenberht, 763 to 790. 14. yEthelheard, 790 to 803. 15. Wulfred, 803 to 829. 16. Flcogild, 829 to 830. 17. Ccolnoth, 830 to 870. 18. jEthelred, 870 to 889. 19. Plegemuml, 891. to 923. 20. yEthelm, 923 to 925. 21. Wulfelm, 928 to 941. 22. Odo, 941 to 958. 23. Alsine, 958 to 959. 24. Dunstan, 959 to 988. 25. ^Ethelgar, 988 to 989. 26. Sigeric, 990 to 995. 27. yKlfric, 995 to 1006. 28. jElfeah, or Elphegc, 1006 to 1012. 29. Lyfing, 1013 to 1020. 30. .Ethelnoth, 1020 to 1038. 31. Eadsige, 1038 to 1050. 32. Robert, 1050 to 1052. 33. Stigand, 1052 to 1070. 34. Lanfranc, 1070 to 1089. 35. Anselm, 1093 to 1109. 36. Ralph de Turbine, 1114 to 1122. 37. William de Curbellio, 1123 to 1136. 38. Theobald, 1139 to 1161. 39. Thomas Becket, 1162 to 1170. 40. Richard, 1174 to 1184. 41. Baldwin, 1185 to 1190. 42. Reginald Fitz-Joceline, 1191 . 43. Hubert Walter, 1193 to 1205. 44. Stephen Langton, 1207 to 1228. 45. Richard Wethershed, 1229 to 1231. 46. Edmund de Abbendon, 1233 to 1240. 47. Bonifaco of Savoy, 1245 to 1270. 48. Robert Kilwardly, 1272 to 1278. 49. John Peckham, 1279 to 1292. 50. Robert Winchelsey, 1293 to 1313. 51. Walter Reynolds, 1313 to 1327. 52. Simon de Meopham, 1327 to 1333 53. John Stratford, 1333 to 1348. 54. John deUfford, 1348 to 1349. 55. Thomas Bradwardin, 1349. 56. Simon Islip, 1349 to 1366. 57. Simon Laugham, 1366 to 1368. 58. William Wittlesey, 1368 to 1374. 59. Simon Sudbury, 1375 to 1381. 60. William Courtenay, 1381 to 1396. 61. Thomas Arundel, 1396 to 1414. 62. Henry Chicheley, 1414 to 1443. 63. John Stafford, 1443 to 1452. 64. John Kemp, 1452 to 1454. 65. Thomas Bourchier, 1454 to 1486^ 66. John Morton, 1486 to 1500. 67. Henry Dene, 1501 to 1503. 68. William Warham, 1503 to 1532. 69. Thomas Cranmer, 1533 to 1556 70. Reginald Pole, 1556 to 1558. 71. Matthew Parker, 1559 to 1575. 72. Edmund Grindal, 1575 to 1583. 73. John Whitgift, 1583 to 1604. 74. Richard Bancroft, 1604 to 1610. 75. George Abbot, 1611 to 1633. 76. William Laud, 1633 to 1645. 77. William Juxon, 1660 to 1663. 78. Gilbert Sheldon, 1663 to 1677. 79. William Bancroft, 1677 to 1691. 80. John Tillotson, 1691 to 1694. 81. Thomas Tenison, 1694 to 1715. 82. William Wake, 1715 to 1737. 83. John Potter, 1737 to 1747. 84. Thomas Herring, 1747 to 1757. 85. Matthew Hutton, 1757 to 1758. 86. Thomas Seeker, 1758 to 1768. 87. Frederick Cornwallis, 1768 to 1783. 88. John Moore, 1783 to 1805. 89. Charles Manners Sutton, 1805 to 1828. 90. William Howley, 1828 to 1848. 91. John Bird Sumncr, 1848 tc 1862. 92. C. T. Longley, 1862 to 1868. 93. Archibald Campbell Tait,


(t. g. g. f.)

CANTERBURY, a province of New Zealand, occupying

the central portion of the Middle Island on the eastern side of the great dividing range of the Southern Alps. It ia bounded on the E. by the sea, and on the N., W., and S. by the provinces of Nelson, Westland, and Otago respec

tively. The area of Canterbury is about 8,693,000 acres.