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Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/737

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208. Expedition of Severus to Britain:—invasion of Caledonia, 209; his wall completed, 210.
211. Death of Severus at York. Caracalla and Geta emperors. Geta murdered, 212.
214. First contact of the Romans with the Alamanni, German tribes on the upper Rhine.
217. Macrinus emperor. 218. Elagabalus emperor.
222. Alexander Severus emperor.
226. Dissolution of Parthian empire. Foundation of the new Persian monarchy (kingdom of the Sassanidæ) by Ardshir.
231. Persian war begins.
233. Triumph of Severus; murdered and succeeded by Maximin, 235.
236. Persecution of Christians.
238. The Gordiani, Pupienus and Balbinus (jointly), and Gordianus III. emperors.
242. Gordianus defeats Sapor, king of Persia.
244. Gordianus murdered and succeeded by Philip the Arabian.
249. Decius emperor. 250. His edict for persecution of Christians published. First invasion of the empire by the Goths. Death of Decius and his son in the campaign of 251.
251. Gallus emperor.
252. Pestilence begins, and lasts fifteen years.
253. Irruption of Goths and Burgundians into Mœsia and Pannonia. First appearance of the Franks in Gaul about this time.
254. Valerian emperor. His son Gallienus associated with him. Persecution of Christians.
258. Trapezus taken by Goths.
259. Sapor ravages Syria. Valerian taken prisoner.
260. Gallienus sole emperor. The Thirty Tyrants, between 260 and 268.
262. The Goths in Macedonia and Asia Minor. They destroy the temple of Ephesus. Antioch taken by Sapor.
263. The Franks invade Gaul.
267. The Heruli invade Greece, and are repulsed by Dexippus.
268. Claudius emperor. 269. He defeats the Goths in Mœsia.
270. Aurelian emperor. Victories over the Goths and the Alamanni.
272. Expedition of Aurelian to Palmyra.
273. Capture of Palmyra and of Queen Zenobia.
275. Tacitus emperor. 276. Probus emperor.
277. Probus drives the Alamanni from Gaul.
282. Carus emperor. Expedition to the East.
284. Diocletian emperor. 286. Maximian joint emperor with him. Revolt of Carausius in Britain.
289. Victory of Carausius over Maximian.
292. Constantius and Galerius named Cæsars. Division of the empire.
296. Britain recovered by Constantius.
297. Siege of Alexandria by Diocletian. Persian war.
298. Constantius defeats the Alamanni near Langres. Defeat of Narses.
303. Persecution of Christians by Diocletian.
305. Abdication of Diocletian and Maximian. Constantius and Galerius emperors. Beginning of monasticism in Egypt under St Antony.
306. Death of Constantius at York. Proclamation of Constantine (the Great).
307. Revolt of Maxentius. Six emperors. Elevation of Licinius.
311. Edict of Nicomedia to stop the persecution.
312. Defeat and death of Maxentius.
313. Defeat and death of Maximian. Edict of Milan, by Constantine and Licinius, for general religious toleration.
314. War between the two emperors.
323. Constantine sole emperor.
324. Foundation of Constantinople; dedicated as capital of the empire, 330 (or 334).
325. First General Council of the Church meets at Nicæa.
326. Athanasius, patriarch of Alexandria. Controversy with Arius.
336. Death of Arius.
337. Constantine II., Constans, and Constantius II. joint emperors. 338. Death of Eusebius.
347. Synod of Sardica.
348. Ulfilas bishop of the Goths (died, 388).
350–353. Revolt of Magnentius. Defeated by Constantius.
357. Victory of Julian over the Alamanni at Argentoratum (Strasburg).
361. Julian emperor; his edict recalling the banished bishops and granting general toleration published, 362.
363. Persian war. Julian killed. Jovian emperor.
364. Valentinian and Valens joint emperors. Final division of the empire.
367–369. Theodosius in Britain; aids against Picts and Scots.
370. The Saxons land on coasts of Gaul.
373. Death of Athanasius.
375. War with the Quadi. Gratian emperor of the West, with Valentinian II. Invasion of the Huns.
376. Valens allows the Goths to settle in Thrace.
378. Constantinople threatened by Goths.
379. Theodosius the Great emperor of the East.
381. Second General Council, held at Constantinople. Pagan rites prohibited.
382. Alaric king of the Goths.
383. Revolt of Maximus in Britain.
390. Final suppression of Paganism. Massacre at Thessalonica. Death of Gregory of Nazianzus.
393. Honorius emperor of the West.
394. Theodosius master of the whole Roman world.
395. Death of Theodosius. Arcadius emperor of the East. The Huns invade the eastern provinces. Augustine made bishop of Hippo (died, 430). Alaric in Greece. Stilicho attains chief power under Honorius.
396. The Britons ask aid of Honorius against Picts and Scots.
397. Deaths of Martin of Tours and Ambrose of Milan.
398. Chrysostom bishop of Constantinople (died, 407).
400. Alaric ravages Italy.
403. Battle of Pollentia,—defeat of Alaric by Stilicho.
406. The Vandals, Alani, and Suevi invade Gaul.
408. Theodosius II. emperor of the East. Stilicho slain at Ravenna.
409. The Vandals, Alani, and Suevi invade Spain.
410. Sack of Rome by Alaric. Death of Alaric. Pelagius begins to preach about this time.
411. The Roman legions recalled from Britain; final withdrawal, about 418.
414. Marriage of Ataulphus, king of the Goths, to Placidia, daughter of Theodosius the Great. Persecution of Christians in Persia begins; lasts thirty years.
420. Death of St Jerome.
423. Death of Honorius at Ravenna.
425. Administration of Aetius begins, lasting about thirty years.
428. Nestorius patriarch of Constantinople (banished, 435).
429. The Vandals under Genseric invade Africa. Death of Theodore bishop of Mopsuestia.
431. Third General Council held at Ephesus.
433. Attila king of the Huns.
438. Theodosian Code published.
439. The Vandals surprise Carthage.
440. Leo I. (the Great) bishop of Rome.
442. Treaty of peace between Valentinian and Genseric. Attila in Thrace and Macedonia.
446. Message of the Britons to Aetius for aid against the Saxons.
447. Attila ravages the Eastern empire. Theodosius concludes treaty with Attila.
449. The Robber-Council of Ephesus. Landing of the English in Britain.
450. Death of Theodosius II.
451. Invasion of Gaul by Attila. Victory of Aetius at Châlons. Fourth General Council held at Chalcedon. Monophysite controversy begins.
452. Invasion of Italy by Attila. Foundation of Venice.
453. Death of Attila. Dissolution of his empire.
455. Sack of Rome by Genseric. Intercession of Leo.
457. Hengist founds kingdom of Kent.
461–467. Rule of Ricimer. Severus nominal emperor.
462–472. Conquests of the Visigoths in Spain and Gaul.
465. Great fire at Constantinople.
475. Romulus Augustulus emperor of the West (banished, 476).
476. Odoacer, king of Italy. End of Western empire.
477. Death of Genseric. Landing of Ælla and South Saxons in Britain.
480. Earthquakes at Constantinople, lasted forty days.
482. Clovis, king of the Franks. The Henoticon of Zeno published.
486. Victory of Clovis over Syagrius at Soissons.
487. Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, threatens Constantinople.
489–493. Conquest of Italy by Theodoric.
491. Storming of Anderida by Ælla; kingdom of the South Saxons established.
493. Odoacer slain. Theodoric king of Italy.
495. Landing of Cerdic and West Saxons in Britain.
496. Victory of Clovis over Alamanni at Tolbiac. His baptism.
500. Missions of the Nestorians began early in this century.
502–505. Persian war. Siege and recovery of Armida.
507. Victory of Clovis over the Visigoths.
510. Paris made the seat of the Frankish monarchy.
511. Death of Clovis. Partition of his kingdom.
525. Bœtius put to death by Theodoric.
525–526. Antioch destroyed by earthquake.
527. Justinian emperor. First edition of his Code published, 529.
528. The Benedictine Order founded.

529. Belisarius general of the Eastern armies; defeats the Persians at Dara. Edicts of Justinian against the philosophers, heretics, and pagans.