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Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/745

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1387. Treaty concluded between Amurath I. and the Genoese of Pera. The barons arm against Richard II. and seize the Tower of London.
1388. Scottish invasion of England. Battle of Otterburn (August 19). Douglas killed and Percy (Hotspur) taken prisoner. Jubilee period reduced to 33 years. Battle of Falkioping,—Margaret queen of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden defeats and captures Albert of Sweden.
1389. Amurath I. defeats the Servians, Hungarians, and Bulgarians at Kassova and is killed. Bajazet I. succeeds him. Truce between France and England. Richard II. takes the government into his own hands. Boniface IX. pope. Compact of Nuremberg, between the emperor and German princes, against the Jews. Battle of Nafels,—victory of the Swiss over the Austrians, April 9.
1390. Statute passed for uniformity of weights and measures in England (Lancashire excepted). Constantinople unsuccessfully besieged by Bajazet. Third jubilee celebrated.
1391. Manuel II. emperor of the East (associated with his father since 1375). Conquest of Asia Minor completed by Bajazet.
1393 (circa). Gerson chancellor of the university of Paris.
1394. Four years' truce between England and France. Benedict XIII. pope at Avignon. Richard II. holds a parliament in Ireland. Jews banished from France by Charles VII. Nicolas de Clemangis publishes his De Ruina Ecclesiæ.
1395. Milan erected into a duchy for the Visconti by the Emperor Wenceslas. Battle of Nicopolis,—victory of Bajazet over Sigismund of Hungary and the Christians, September 28. Invasion of Russia by Timur.
1396. Marriage of Richard II. with Isabella of France. Truce for 25 years.
1397. Murder of the duke of Gloucester at Calais. The regency declared illegal. Union of Calmar, between Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.
1398–1399. Invasion of India, and capture of Delhi, by Timur. Anti-pope Benedict XIII. imprisoned in his palace at Avignon by Marshal Boucicaut. Boucicaut leads an army to the assistance of Manuel II.
1399. Deposition of Richard II. Henry IV. (first of the house of Lancaster) king of England. Order of Knights of the Bath instituted. Manuel sets out to visit European Courts, December.
1400. Deposition of the emperor Wenceslaus by the electors; election of Rupert, Count Palatine. John Huss ordained priest. Revolt of Owen Glendower in Wales. Invasion of Scotland by Henry IV. Death of Chaucer, October. 25. Birth of Guttenberg (died, 1467).
1401. The statute of heretics (de hæreticis comburendis) passed in England. William Sautre, a Lollard, burnt.
1402. Sultan Bajazet defeated and taken prisoner by Timur at Angoria; Soliman I. sultan. The Scots invade England, and are defeated by Hotspur at Homildon Hill. Return of Manuel to Constantinople.
1403. Death of Bajazet. The French make descents on Wales and the Isle of Wight. Benedict XIII. escapes from imprisonment. Revolt of the Percies. Battle of Shrewsbury,—Hotspur killed, July 23.
1404. Death of Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy. Innocent VII. pope, succeeding Boniface. French descents on England. Alliance of the king of France with Glendower.
1405. Death of Timur. Revolt at Rome. Ladislas, king of Naples, seizes Rome and expels Innocent VII. Revolt of Archbishop Scrope. Birth of Æneas Sylvius (Pope Pius II.)
1406. James I. king of Scots. He is imprisoned in the Tower of London. Return of Innocent to Rome. Gregory XII. pope.
1407. Assassination of Louis, duke of Orleans, by John, duke of Burgundy, at Paris; origin of the civil war between Burgundians and Armagnacs. John Risby, Lollard preacher, burnt in Scotland.
1408. John Huss appeals to the Pope. Ladislas again enters Rome. Benedict holds a council at Perpignan.
1409. The rival popes are deposed by Council of Pisa. Alexander V. elected. Ladislas driven from Rome. University of Leipsic founded.
1410. Death of Alexander V. John XXIII. pope. John Huss excommunicated. Sigismund, emperor of the Romans, opposed by Josse, margrave of Moravia, who dies in a few months. Jagellon, king of Poland, defeats Teutonic Knights at Tannenberg, July 15. Wood-engraving begins to be practised about this time.
1411. Huss again excommunicated. Ladislas defeated; crusade published against him. Henry IV. sends troops to the duke of Burgundy. The University of St Andrews founded. Battle of Harlaw,—defeat of Donald, lord of the Isles, by Earl of Mar, July 24.
1412. Henry IV. concludes a treaty with the Orleans party. Huss burns the Pope's bull. Ladislas makes peace with the Pope. Death of Margaret, queen of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
1413. Ladislas expels John XXIII. and plunders Rome. Interview of John XXIII. and the emperor at Lodi. The Pope convokes a council at Constance. Henry V. king of England. Sir {{pol|John Oldcastle]] condemned as a heretic; escapes from the Tower. Mohammed I. sultan of the Ottomans.
1414. Death of Ladislas of Naples. Council of Constance (sixteenth General Council), opened November 5. Persecution of Lollards by Henry V.
1415. Abdication of John XXIII. He is arrested, deposed, and imprisoned by the council. Abdication of Gregory XII. John Huss burnt, July 6. Siege and capture of Harfleur by Henry V. Battle of Agincourt, October 25. Meeting of Benedict XIII. and Sigismund at Perpignan.
1416. Jerome of Prague burnt at Constance. Ceuta taken from the Moors by John I. king of Portugal, May 30. Sigismund visits France and England.
1417. Benedict XIII. deposed. Martin V. elected pope by Council of Constance. Death of Cardinal Robert Hallam, bishop of Salisbury, at Constance. Invasion of Normandy by Henry V. Caen besieged and taken. Gypsies appear in Germany about this time. The county of Savoy erected into a duchy.
1418. Massacre of Armagnacs at Paris by the Burgundians. Sir John Oldcastle hung in chains and burnt. Council of Constance closed, April 22. Prince Henry, the Navigator (born, 1394), begins to send out exploring expeditions.
1419. Madeira re-discovered by Portuguese. Death of the ex-emperor Wenceslas. John Ziska commander-in-chief of the Hussites. Assassination of the duke of Burgundy at Montereau. Death of Albany, regent of Scotland.
1420. Treaty of Troyes. Henry V. regent of France. Marriage of Henry with princess Catherine of France. Hussite wars begin. Crusade against Hussites proclaimed by the Pope. Ziska takes Prague and defeats Sigismund. The Pope receives at Florence an embassy from Manuel Palæologus, emperor of the East; he enters Rome.
1421. Henry V. holds a parliament at Rouen. Amurath II. sultan. Great inundation in Holland, the “Biesbosch” formed.
1422. Henry VI. king of England and France. Charles VII. crowned king of France. Regency of Bedford in France, of Gloucester in England. Siege of Constantinople by Amurath II.
1423. Council of Siena (transferred from Pavia) opened. Earliest specimen of Block Book dated this year. University of Louvain, founded.
1424. James I. of Scotland liberated by Henry VI., proclaimed and crowned. Bedford defeats the French and Scots at Verneuil. Death of Benedict XIII. Election of anti-pope Clement VIII. Council of Siena transferred to Basel. Death of Ziska.
1425. John Palæologus II. emperor of the East; he concludes treaty with Amurath II. Statute for punishment of heretics and and Lollards passed in Scotland.
1426. Rivalry of Gloucester and Cardinal Beaufort in England. Defeat of the Germans by Hussites at Aussitz.
1428. Siege of Orleans by the English. Death of the Earl of Salisbury. Lincoln College, Oxford, founded.
1429. Joan of Arc raises the siege and enters Orleans. Talbot defeated at Patay. Charles VII. crowned at Rheims. Termination of the schism in the papacy by abdication of Clement VIII. Order of the Golden Fleece instituted by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy. Death of Gerson.
1430. Capture of Joan of Arc. Conquest of Thessalonica by Amurath II.
1431. Joan of Arc burnt at Rouen (?) Henry VI. crowned at Paris. Eugenius IV. pope. Eighteenth General Council transferred from Siena to Basel, opened July 23. Hussite invasion of Germany. Fifth crusade against Hussites. Battle of Taas,—victory of Hussites. Birth of Mantegna (died, 1506).
1432. The Azores taken possession of by Portuguese.
1433. Sigismund crowned at Rome by the Pope. Death of John I. the Great, king of Portugal.
1434. René the Good, duke of Anjou, succeeds his brother Louis, as king of Naples; opposed by Alphonso V. of Aragon. Death of Ladislas of Poland. Cosmo de' Medici supreme at Florence about this time. Flight of Eugenius from Rome.
1435. Congress and Treaty of Arras,—abandonment of English alliance by the Duke of Burgundy. Death of Bedford.
1436. Paris retaken by the French. Calais unsuccessfully besieged by the duke of Burgundy. States-General meet at Orleans. War between England and Scotland.
1437. John Palæologus embarks at Constantinople in the Pope's galleys for an interview at Ferrara. Murder of James I. king of Scots; James II. succeeds. Death of Sigismund. Birth of Cardinal Ximenes. Ulugh Begh compiles his Star Tables.

1438. Albert II. emperor (duke of Austria, and king of Hungary and of Bohemia). Council of Ferrara convoked by Eugenius IV. in opposition to Council of Basel; the emperor John Palæologus and the Greek Patriarch present. The Pope deposed by the Fathers of Basel, and the latter excommunicated at Ferrara; Amadeus, duke of Savoy, elected pope (Felix V.) at Basel. Pragmatic Sanction (the Palladium of France), limiting the power of the Pope in France, established by Charles VII. Nine years' truce made between England and Scotland.