Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 6.djvu/885

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Encyclopædia Britannica.
Vol. VI.—(CLI-DAY).


  • CLIMATE.Alex. Buchan, Secretary, Scottish Meteorological Society.
  • CLIVE.G. Smith, LL.D., Editor of "Annals of Indian Administration, 1868-69."
  • CLOCKS.Sir Edmund Beckett, Bart. Q.C.
  • CLUB.Rev. Canon J. S. Northcote, and J. Claude Webster, Athenæum Club.
  • COAL.H. Bauerman, F.G.S., Royal School of Mines.
  • COBDEN.Henry Richard, M.P.
  • COCHIN CHINA.C. Maunoir, Société, de Géographie.
  • COFFEE.James Paton, Corporation Galleries, Glasgow.
  • COFFER-DAMS.David Stevenson, C.E.
  • COLEOPTERA.John Gibson, Industrial Museum, Edin.
  • COLERIDGE.Rev. G. D. Boyle, M.A.
  • COLOMBIA.H. A. Webster.
  • COLOSSIANS.Rev. W. Saumarez Smith, Principal, St Aidan's College, Birkenhead.
  • COMET.J. Russell Hind, F.R.S., Superintendent of the "Nautical Almanac."
  • COMMERCE.Robert Somers, Author of "Trade Unions."
  • COMMUNISM.Mrs Fawcett.
  • COMPANY.Edmund Robertson, Professor of Roman Law, University College, London.
  • COMPASS.F. H. Butler, M.A.
  • COMTE.John Morley, Editor of the "Pall Mall Gazette."
  • CONDILLAC.Rev. D. Balsillie, M.A.
  • CONDORCET.Robert Flint, D.D., Professor of Divinity, University of Edinburgh.
  • CONFUCIUS.Rev. James Legge, Professor of Chinese, University of Oxford.
  • CONGRESS.Henry Reeve, C.B.
  • CONGREVE.A. C. Swinburne.
  • CONIC SECTIONS.H. M. Taylor, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
  • CONNECTICUT.W. G. Taylor, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
  • CONSTANTINE.W. Browning Smith.
  • CONSTANTINOPLE.Rev. C. G. Curtis, Chaplain to British Embassy, Pera.
  • CONSTITUTION OF BODIES.Prof. Clerk Maxwell.
  • CONTRABAND.W. C. Smith, LL.B., Advocate.
  • CONVOCATION.Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C.
  • COOKERY.J. C. Buckmaster, South Kensington Museum, London.
  • COOLIE.R. Wilson.
  • CO-OPERATION.R. Somers.
  • COPPER.James Paton.
  • COPTS.S. Birch, LL.D., D.C.L.
  • COPYRIGHT.Prof. Ed. Robertson; (American) E. S. Drone.
  • CORALS.Prof. H. A. Nicholson.
  • COREA.H. A. Webster.
  • CORINTH.Percy Gardner, British Museum.
  • CORINTHIANS.Rev. W. Saumarex Smith.
  • CORK.R. Caulfield, LL.D.
  • CORN LAWS.R. Somers.
  • CORNEILLE.George Saintsbury.
  • CORNELIUS.W. Cave Thomas.
  • CORNWALL.R. J. King.
  • CORONATION.Rev. S. H. Reynolds.
  • CORREGGIO.W. M. Rossetti.
  • COSMOGONY.Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A.
  • COSTUME.A. Stuart Murray and Rev. Charles Boutell.
  • COTTON.Isaac Watts, Chairman of Cotton Supply Association, Manchester.
  • COUNCIL.D. Patrick.
  • COURT-MARTIAL.W. C. Smith, LL.B.
  • COUSIN.John Veitch, LL.D., Professor of Logic and Rhetoric, University of Glasgow.
  • COWLEY.Edmund W. Gosse, Author of "New Poems."
  • COX.W. B. Scott.
  • CRANACH.J. A. Crowe, Author of "Painting in Italy."
  • CRANMER.W. Browning Smith.
  • CREEDS.Very Rev. Principal Tulloch.
  • CREMATION.W. C. Smith, LL.B.
  • CRETE.E. H. Bunburry, Author of "History of Ancient Geography."
  • CRIBBAGE.Henry Jones.
  • CRICKET.H. F. Wilkinson.
  • CRIME.L. O. Pike, Author of "History of Crime in England."
  • CRIMEA.Commander J. B. Telfer, R.N.
  • CRIMINAL LAW.Prof. Ed. Robertson.
  • CROMWELL, OLIVER.Alex. Nicolson, LL.D.
  • CROQUET.Henry Jones.
  • CROSS.Rev. Charles Boutell.
  • CROUP.Dr J. O. Affleck.
  • CRUSADES.Rev. Sir Geo. W. Cox, Bart.
  • CRUSTACEA.Henry Woodward, F.R.S., British Museum.
  • CRYPT.Rev. Canon Venables.
  • CRYPTOGRAPHY.J. E. Bailey.
  • CRYSTALLOGRAPHY.James Nicol, late Professor of Natural History, University of Aberdeen.
  • CUBA.Keith Johnston, F.R.G.S.
  • CUCKOW.Alfred Newton, Professor of Zoology, etc., University of Cambridge.
  • CUDWORTH.Prof. R. Flint, D.D.
  • CUMBERLAND.H. I. Jenkinson and J. C. Ward.
  • CHUMBERLAND (Bishop).Prof. Flint.
  • CUMBERLAND (Dramatist).A. W. Ward, Professor of English Literature, Owens College, Manchester.
  • CURVE.Arthur Cayley, LL.D., F.R.S., Sadlerian Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge.
  • CUTTLEFISH.Prof. H. A. Nicholson.
  • CUYP.J. A. Crow, Author of "Painting in Italy."
  • CYPRUS.E. H. Bunbury.
  • CYRUS.Rev. Prof. A. H. Sayce, Queen's College, Oxford.
  • DACCA.W. W. Hunter, LL.D., Director-General of Indian Studies.
  • DAHOMEY.Major W. K. Elles.
  • DALHOUSIE.George Smith, LL.D., Editor of "Annals of Indian Administration."
  • DALLING.Charles Kent.
  • DALTON.F. H. Butler.
  • DAMASCUS.J. L. Porter, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Criticism, Belfast.
  • DANCE.W. C. Smith, LL.B.
  • DANIEL.Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A.
  • DANTE.Oscar Browning.
  • DANTON.John Morley, Editor of the "Pall Mall Gazette."
  • DARIUS.Rev. Prof. Sayce.
  • DAVID.Prof. W. Robertson Smith, LL.D.