Encyclopædia Britannica.
Vol. VII.—(DEA-ELD).
- DEAD SEA.J. L. Porter, LL.D., D.D., Professor of Biblical Criticism, Belfast.
- DEAF AND DUMB.Alfred Large.
- DECALOGUE.Prof. Robertson Smith.
- DEFOE.George Saintsbury.
- DEISM.D. Patrick.
- DELHI.W. W. Hunter, LL.D.
- DELUGE.Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A.
- DE MORGAN.W. S. Jevons, F.R.S., Professor of Political Economy, University College, London.
- DEMOSTHENES.Prof. R. C. Jebb.
- DENMARK.E. W. Gosse, Translator, H.M. Board of Trade, London.
- DENTISTRY.Dr John Smith.
- DE QUINCEY.J. R. Findlay.
- DERBY, EARL OF.W. Browning Smith.
- DESCARTES.William Wallace, LL.D.
- DIAGRAMS.Prof. J. Clerk Maxwell.
- DIALLING.H. Godfray, late Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge.
- DIAMOND.Prof. James Nicol.
- DIATOMACEÆ.Rev. Eugene O'Meara, M.A.
- DICKENS.Prof. Minto, Aberdeen University.
- DICTIONARY.Rev. Ponsonby A. Lyons.
- DIDEROT.John Morley.
- DIETETICS.Dr T. K. Chambers, Author of "Manual of Diet"
- DIFFUSION.Prof. Clerk Maxwell.
- DIGESTIVE ORGANS.Prof. William Turner.
- DIPLOMATICS.E. A. Bond, Principal Librarian of the British Museum.
- DIPTERA.E. C. Rye, Fellow of the Zoological Society.
- DIPHTHERIA.Dr J. O. Affleck.
- DISTILLATION.Prof. Dittmar and James Paton.
- DISTRIBUTION.A. R. Wallace and W. T. T. Dyer.
- DIVING.David Stevenson, C.E.
- DIVORCE.Prof. Ed. Robertson.
- DOCKYARDS.F. W. Rowsell.
- DODO.Prof. Alfred Newton.
- DOG.John Gibson.
- DOGMATIC.J. S. Candlish, D.D., Professor of Divinity, Free Church College, Glasgow.
- DOME.Sir Edmund Beckett, Bart., Q.C.
- DOMESDAY BOOK.A. C. Ewald, Public Record Office, London.
- DORIANS.Rev. Sir George W. Cox, Bart.
- DRAGON FLY.R. M'Lachlan, F.R.S.
- DRAMA.A. W. Ward, Professor of English Literature, Owens College, Manchester.
- DRAUGHTS.Henry Jones.
- DRAWING.P. G. Hamerton, Author of "Thoughts about Art."
- DREAM.James Sully, M.A.
- DREDGE.Prof. Sir Wyville Thomson, Author of "The Voyage of the Challenger."
- DREDGING.David Stevenson, C.E.
- DROWNING.Dr Henry D. Littlejohn.
- DRUIDISM.James Macdonald, LL.D.
- DRUNKENNESS.Dr George W. Balfour.
- DRUSES.H. A. Webster.
- DRYDEN.Prof. Minto.
- DUBLIN.E. T. Lefroy, late of Freeman's Jornal, Dublin.
- DUDEVANT.Francis Storr, M.A.
- DUEL.Francis Storr, M.A.
- DUMAS.Percy Fitzgerald, Author of "Romance of the English Stage."
- DUNDONALD.W. Browning Smith.
- DURER.Prof. Sidney Colvin.
- DURHAM.Rev. J. T. Fowler, M.A., Hebrew Lecturer, University of Durham.
- DWARF.John Doran, Ph.D.
- DYCE.W. M. Rossetti.
- DYEING.Charles O'Neill, Author of "Chemistry of Calico Printing and Dyeing."
- DYNAMICS.Wm. Garnett, M.A., St John's College, Cambridge.
- EAGLE.Prof. Alfred Newton, F.R.S.
- EAR.J. G. M'Kendrick, Professor of Institutes of Medicine, University of Glasgow.
- EARTH (Figure of).Col. A. R. Clarke, R.E., F.R.S.
- EARTHQUAKE.F. W. Rudler.
- EASTER.Rev. Canon Venables.
- ÉCARTÉ.Henry Jones.
- ECCLESIASTES.Rev. C. D. Ginsburg, LL.D., Author of "Commentary on Ecclesiastes."
- ECUADOR.H. A. Webster.
- EDGEWORTH.Thomas Gilray, M.A.
- EDINBURGH.Prof. Daniel Wilson.
- EDMUND, ST.W. L. R. Cates.
- EDUCATION.Oscar Browning, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
- EFFIGIES.Rev. Charles Boutell.
- EGYPT.Reginald Stuart Poole, British Museum.
- EISTEDDFOD.Richard Williams.
- ELASTICITY.Sir Wm. Thomson, F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Glasgow.