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XXX (273) XXX

2 73 Part VI. A N A T O M Y. membrane, which f;rves for a border and frasnum to the pillars ; with this difference however, that it is a conti- folds, and is a true continuation of the cellular fubftance nuation of the fpungy fubftance of the urethra, and on- of the peritonaeum. The veficuls may eaftly be unfoldly adheres to the extremity of the corpora cavernofa ed, and all their contoifions ftreightened, and by this without any direft communication. they become much longer than in their natural ftate. The figure of the glans is that of a rounded cone, a means little flattened, at the lower part, and with an oblique Their inner furface is villous and glandular, and conprominent balls, the circumference of which is fomething tinually furnifhes a particular fluid, which exalts, refines, and perfects the femen, which they recive from greater than that of the corpora cavernofa. deferentia, and of which they are the refervatoThe fpungy fubftance of the glans is thick and uni- the vafa for a certain time. form next the corpora cavernofa; but next the urethra, riesThe paflage of the vafa deferentia into the veficulae is it is perforated by a continuation Bf that canal, and is very particular. It was obfffrved, that thefe canals are there no thicker than the urethra before the formation incurvated behind the bladder, and that their contrafted of the glans. Therefore the canal of the urethra does cot lie in the extremities unite at that place. They unite in an angle, taiddle of the glans, but continues its direft courfe thro’ and run between the contiguous extremities of the vefithe lower flat fide of it, all the way to the extremity, culae ; and this union is fo clofe, that the adhering portions feem to form only one middle feptum, between two where it terminates by an oblong orifice. All the convex furface of the glans is covered by a fmall tubes, each of which is formed, partly by the exfine villous fubftance; and that again by a fine mem- tremity of one vas deferens, and partly by that of the brane, refembling the red part of the lips. The circum- neighbouring veficula. ference of the balls of the glans has a double row of This lateral union of the extremities of the vas defefmall papilla:, which may be reckoned febaceous glandsj rens, and veficula feminalis on each fide, forms likewife a kind of fliort feptum, which terminates in,a crefcent, from which a thick matter is difcharged. At the bottom of the cavity of the firft portion of the like a fmall femilunar valve, and the extremity of the urethra, or that which lies within the proftates, there is vas deferens is narrower than that of the veficula. By a fmall oblong pval eminence,- pretty large on the back this.mechanifm, the fluid contained in each vas deferens part, and terminating forward in a point, called carun- has liberty to enter the contiguous veficula, but that concula or verumontanum. The large portion of it is com- tained in the veficula cannot return into the other canal. monly perforated by two holes, fometimes only by one-, Afterwards the two fmall tubes, formed each by the and very feldom by three; and thefe are the excretory extremities of the vas deferens and veficula, run in beorifices of the veliculae feminales. Each orifice has a tween the bafis of the proftates, and canal of the urefmall thin hiembranous border, which may ferve for thra ; and perforating the fides of that canal obliquely, valves to the excretory dufts of the veficulje. they terminate in the caruncula. On each fide of the lange portion of the caruncula, The infide of the canal of the urethra is lined by a there are five or fix holes ranked in form of a crefcent fine membrane, full of capillary blood-vefiels; and its round its lateral parts; which are the orifices of the ex- furface is perforated by a great number of oblong holes cretory dufts of the proftates that come from the follicu- or fmall lacunas of different fizes, the largeft lying near li already mentioned, and run in an oblique courfe to the the glans. orifices, in a kind of membranous duplicature. Thefe lacuna:, or orifices of the excretory dufts of The veficulas feminales are foft whitilh knotty bodies, the fame number of fmall glands, are difperfed through about three or four fingers breadth in length, one in the fubftance of the urethra. Which dufts run for fome breadth, and about three times as broad as thick, fitua- way in the fpungy fubftance, along the convex fide of ted obliquely between the reftum and lower part of the the internal membrane of the urethra, and open obliquebladder, in fuch a'manner, as that their fuperior extre- ly from behind, forward into the great canal. The N mities are at a diftance from each other, and their lower edges of the lacunae are femilunar, or like a crefcent. extremities united between thofe of the vafa deferentia, A little way from the beginning of the cellular fubof which they imitate both the obliquity and the incur- ftance of the urethra, we meet with two lacunae more vation. confiderable than the reft, and their dufte are very long, They are irregularly round on the upper part, and Thefe lacunae and dufts lead to two glandular bodies, their breadth decreafes gradually from thence. By the fituated on the two convex fides of the fpungy Jubftance union of their lower extremities, they form a kind of of the urethra near the bulb. Each of them is about the fork, the branches of which are broad, and bent like fize of a cherry-ftone, but they are oblong and flat, rams horns. Thefe extremities are very narrow, and and covered intirely by the mufcles called acctlenxtoret. form a fmall neck, which-runs behind the bladder to- Thefe two bodies are -commonly called projiatae infeward its orifice, and continues its courfe in the groove of riores. the proftates, through the fubftance of the contiguous The cavity of the urethra refembles nearly that of a portion of the urethra, till its extremities pierce the fmall writing pen. It is not every where round, and tocaruncula in the manner already faid. the gland becomes broader and flatter on one fide, The inner fubftance of the veficidae is plaited, and in wards efpecially in the gland itfelf, where there is a kind of oa manner diftinguilhed into feveral capfuls, by contort- val or navicular foffula. ed folds. Their external furface is covered by a fine This canal terminates at the extremity of the glans Von. I. No. f2. 3 3Z ° by