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XXX (541) XXX

B E R BEN ( 5< t ) fire in proper veflels, are recommendedjin diioi are not engaged in any monadic order. All benefices the of the bread ; and in this intention they are made are reputed fecular, till the contrary is made to ap- ders pear. They are called fecular benefices, becaufe held an ingredient in the paregoric elixir, pectoral elixir, and pills, and in the troches of fulphur. by feculars ; of which kind are almoft all cures. BERAMS, a coarfe cloth, all made with cotton-thread, BENEFIT of Clergy. See Clergv. BENESCHAW, the name of two towns ; the one in the which comes from the Ead Indies, and particularly from Surat. kingdom of Bohemia, and the other in Silefia. BENEVENTE, a town of Leon, in Spain, fituated on BERAR, an inland province of India, on this fide the the river Efta, about 400miles fouth of the city of Leon, Ganges, lying wedward of Orixa. BERAUN, a town of Bohemia, fituated in 140 E. long, in 6° W. long, and 42 ic/ N. lat. BENEVENTO, the capital of the Farther Principate, and 50° 2 N. lat. in France, fituated in in the kingdom of Naples, about 340 miles north-tad BERAY, a town of Normandy, of0the city of Naples; fituated in 15 30' E. long, and i° eo'W. long, and 49c>6, N. lat. BERBERII, the Palsy, in medicine. See Palsy. 41 ij' N. lat. BENEVOLENCE, in morals, ftgnifies the love of man- BERBERIS, in botany, a genus of the hexandria mokind in general, accompanied with a defire to promote nogynia clafs. The calix confids of fix leaves or pieces; the petals are fix, with two glands at the ungues; it their happinefs. See Morals. Benevolentia regis babenda is the ancient form of has no flylus; and the berry contains two feeds. There; purchafing the king’s pardon and favour, on fubmiflion, are two fpecies, viz. the vulgaris, or barberry or pipperidge-bufh, a native of Britain ; and the cretica, a in order to be redored to place, title, or edate. BENFIELD, a town of Alface, in Germany, about 15 native of Candia. The inner bark, which ij bitter, miles fouth of Stralburg; fituated in 70 30' E. long, is faid to be of ufe in the jaundice. The berries, which are gratefully acid, have been given with fucand 48° 25' N. lat. BENGA, one of the Molucca iflands. See Molucca. cefs in bilious flukes, and difeafes proceeding from BENGAL, the mod eaderly province of the Mogul’s heat, acrimony, or thinnefs of the juices. empire, lying at the bottom of a large bay, which BERCHEROIT, or Berko its, a weight ufed at Archangel, and in all the Ruffian dominions, to weigh fuch takes its name from this province. It is one of the mod fertile provinces in India, be- merchandizes as are heavy and bulky: It weighs about ing yearly overflowed by the Ganges, as Egypt is by 364 pounds Englifh avoirdupois weight. BERENGARIANS, a religious fe£t of the Xlth centhe Nile. BENGUELA, a kingdom upon the wedern coad of tury, which adhered to the opinion of Berengarius, Africa between Angola and Jaga. It is alfo the name who, even in thofe days, drenuoufly aflerted, that the of the capital of that kingdom. bread and wine in the Lord’s fupper is not really and BENJAMIN, the fame with benzoin. SeeBENZOiN. eflentially, but only figuratively, changed into the BENJAEL, the mod confiderable river of the illand Bor- body and blood of Chrifl. neo, which, arifingnear the middle of that ifland, runs BERENICE, a port-town of Egypt, now called Suez. fouthwards, and falls into the great South Sea. Berenice’s hair, coma Berenices. SccComa. BENIN, the capital of a country of the fame name, on0 BERE-REGIS, a market-town in Dorfetfhire, about the coad of Guinea; fituated in j° E. long, and 7 10 miles north-eaft of Dorchefter, in 20 20 W. long, 30' N. lat. and 50° 40' N. lat. BENSHEIM, a town of Germany, fituated on the ead- BERESOWA, a town of Mufcovy, in Samogitia, fitufideof the/ river Rhine, about xo miles ead of Worms, ated upon the river Oby. in 8° 30 E. long, and 490 4c/ N. lat. BERG, a dutchy of Weflphalia, in Germany, lying on BENTHEIM, the capital of a county of the0 fame name, the eaftern fhore of the river Rhine, which feparates in the circle of Wedphalia; fituated in 7 15'E. long, it from Cologne. 0 and 52 25' N. lat. 'Bzkg of St.Winox. See Winoxberg. BENTIVOGLK), a town in the territory of Bologna, BERGAMO, a town in the territories of Venice, in in 0Italy, about 10 miles Italy, about 025 miles north-eaft of Milan, in io° E. 0 north of that city, fituated in 12 E. long, and 44 3c/ N. lat. long, and 45 40' N. lat. BENZOIN, in materia raedica, a concrete refinous juice, BERGAMOT, the name of a fragrant effence extracted obtained from a large tree growing naturally in both from a fruit which is produced by ingrafting a branch the Indies. The refin is brought from the Ead Indies in of a lemon-tree upon the ftockpf a bergamot-pear. It large mafles, compofed of white and light-brown pieces, is alfo the denomination of a coarfe tapeftry, manuwith yellowifh (peeks: It eafily breaks betwixt the factured with flocks of filk, wool, cotton, hemp, ox, hands. That which is whited is mod edeemed. It cow, or goats hair, and fuppofed to bo invented by the has very little tade; but its fmell is very fragrant and people of Bergamo. agreeable, efpecially when heated. The principal ufe a town of European Turky, in Romania, in of benzoin is in perfumes, and as a cofmetic; and en- BERGAS., 28° E long, and 41° 17'N. lat. ters in fubdance only into one officinal compofition, BERGEN, the capital of a province of the (ame name, the balfamum tranmaticum. But its flowers, which is in Norway : It is a confiderable port-town on the Gera white faline concrete obtained by committing it to man ocean, in 6° E. long, and 60 0 N. lat. Vol. I. No. 23, 3 6X Bergen,