Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/727

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XXX (617) XXX



( X ),

605 l. s.’d.

Contra, CrDr Cajb, 1769 By Cambrics, for 40 pieces, at 2 /. 1769 ibs. Jan. 112 00 00


Jan. To Stock, for ready money, By Jofeph Martin, in full. 360000 96 Fob. To Thomas Freeman, received in full. Druggets, in part for 2 6 pieces, at 7/. 97 1000 To Druggets, for 10 pieces, at 8/. 3/, c By Vsy . to Jamaica, paid charges and prem, To Kerfeys, in part for 90 pieces, at 2' 4 1 lj00 4 By J. Ruj/'el, in full for druggets, 6 l. 7 s. 97 '0, BroadCloth,inyi.rx.foriooo yds,i.u^s.Gd. 33000J00 08 Feb. Ry To Broad Cloth, in part for 400 yds. By Sundries, as per Journal, 76500,00 To Bills receivable of Henry Sidney 04 Mar By John Vernon, in full for duroys, 1300000 1 full. By J.Spencer, lent him for 6 M°, at 5 per 10000000 dpr. To John Keil, in full for kerfeys, By Jacob Green, in part for holland, 73 11 00 6 T0 George Young, in full for broad May By Edward Harley, in full, 280 c 30000 00 cloth. By Refufal of bargains. 2 02 00 46 c To Indian chints, a balance in barter. By J. JeJfop his aect-curt. for leather, <bc. 2410400' 200 bo 00 May To 7. Jeffop his accompt current. By George Alton, in full, 1 05 00 ■ Voyage from Jamaica, in part for July 9 Toindigo, June By Sir Ifaac Crifp, in part. 800000By George Dennis, in full 850606. ToEd-ward Dupper, in full of my bill By Sir Ifaac Crifp, in full, 4000 00 Jug 3 To Nathaniel Napier, in part for By Charges of mer. paid year’s Ihop-rent, 12 00 00 • druggets. July y By Charges of mer. paid portage, isc. To H. V. Seek his accompt ofgoods. 2 12 08 By Voyagefrom Jamaica, for charges paid, 07 00 Sept. To Ship Britannia, for freight, By Voy. to Hamburg, for lead and charges, 117 121008 To Proft and Lofs, iov 6 months Jug. By Edward Harley, lent him at 5 per cent. 40000 00 intereit of 1000/. By H. V. Seek his acct ofgoods, for charges, To Voyage to Hamburg, for drawback 14 12 06 By H. V. Beek his accompt ofgoods'. on fugar, 1 07 06 By H.V.Beek his acct- current, for tobacco, 9 To Edward Hopkins my accompt in 70 08 02 By James Wright, in full, company. 0704 o 12 00 By H. V. Beek his acct-curt, remitted him, To Edward Hopkins my accompt pro5 3 06 08 I .' By Bills Payable, 0000 per, 2 00 6c 00 By Edward Hopkins my acct in company. To Edward Hopkins my accompt in 60 oc 00 • By Profit and Lofs, paid lofs of a wager, company. 00,00 2 02 00 By Ship Phtenix in company, for my J (hare To Ship Phoenix in company, for By Ship Phoenix in company, paid repairs, 32016 0010 00 month’s freight. opo 00 By New accompt. 9698 00 03 ' 4482 S°& 4482 15034,; 1769 To Stock, at 2 s. Gd. for Yards. 2000 J‘ To Profit and Lofs, gained. IndianchintSy Dr 1769 Stock, at 24/. 10/. for Jan. To To Profit and Lofs, gained, Ship Britannia,. 1769 Jan. To Stock, for i part, To Profit and Lofs, gained.

Contra, Cr 1769 Jp> By Sundries, in bart. at ar. 8</. for Yards By George Dennis, at 2 s. yd. for IO00 ioOo Contra,. Cr 1769 Jp> By Lock rams, in barter, at 25/. for By Sund, in bart. at 24/. 15/ for By George Dennis, at 2 71. By Balance, remaining at 24/.IOJ-. 1769 00 ■ Sept By Cafis, for my l of freight, By Balance, for my ^remaining,

13.1 608 737ic oo 270 16 08

Pieces. — .2! 5000 30 — 6 I4S It 30 00 — 2< 5 12259 OCIC 30 — 5n '37X cc 30 72 1000 348 I coo 42110000 Jyhn.. '