Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/295

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Horsey, Stephen, was a buri^ess from Xurtlianiiiton county in the asscml)l_\- oi

Hoskins, Anthony, was a l)uri,a'ss from .\ortham])to!i county in the assembly of

Hoskins, Bartholomew, wa> l)orn in louo. nceixed a ij:rant in \()JO for in the corpor- ation of l-".bzabeth lity : \estryman of Lyn- ha\en parisli in i()40: burj^ess for Lower Xorfolk county in i()4(). 1^)52. 1^)54; li\ing ir, i(>55.

Hough, Francis, came to Nirj^-inia in i(i2(i aiul in 1624 lived at Elizabeth City. He finally settled in Xansemond county, when he had vari(jus ^rants of land. He was a burs^ess for Xutmesr (Juarter in February. if'33; and in i')45. dtiring the Indian war, ■was a member of the council of war for the counties of Isle of Wight and Upper and Lower Norfolk. He died in the |)arish of St. Peter's, the Poor, London, but left de- scendants in \'irginia.

Howard, Allen, was a burgess from Albe- marle county in the assemblies of 1752- 1755 and 1758-1761. His will was pro\ed in ( ioochland county. July 21, 1761. and names issue r>enjamin, William, John. Anne. Re- ])ecca and Elizabeth.

Howard, Benjamin, son of Allen Howard, ot ( loochland county, whose will was proved July 21, 1761 ; was burgess for Buckingham county in 1769-1771.' He was elected to the assembly of 1772-1774. but died before the assembly began.

Howe, John, of Accomac. gentleman, was born in 1693, "^^^'^ ^ justice for Accomac in 1631, a burgess in 1632-1633. and com-

mander-in-chief of the count_\- from July, 1^37. t(» January 2. i>47, al)ont which time he died.

Hubbard, Robert, was a burgess from Warwick county in the assembly of 1696-

Huddleston, John, was connnandcr of the ship Hoiia Xoz'a of 200 tons, and performed many voyages to \'irginia carrying servants and passengers, lie ])atented land in \'ir- ginia. After the Indian massacre in 1622, he was sent on a fishing voyage to New- foundland, and stopped at Plymouth. He t'.und the settlers there starving, and shared his provisions with them, thus saving the colony.

Hull, Peter, was a burgess from Isle of \\'ight county in the assembly of 1644.

Hull, Richard, son of Richard Hull, and .-! descendant of John Hull, immigrant, who died in Xorthtmiberland county in 1668. He was coloTiel of the Northumberland militia, and a burgess for Northumberland county in the assembly of 1762-1765. succeeding Presley Thornton, promoted to the council. He married Elizabeth (laskins, and died in ^777-

Hume, George, son of Lord George Hume of the barony of Wedderburn, P.erwick- sliire, .Scotland, and Margaret, his wife, daughter of Sir Patrick Hume of Lumsden, ^^ as born at Wedderburn Castle May 30, i')97, and came to Orange county, Virginia, in 1721. and engaged in land surveying. He made the first survey of Fredericksburg. He married fClizabeth Proctor, of Spottsyl- \ania county, in 1728, and died in Culpeper C(Hint\- in 1760, leaving issue. The titles and hoiujrs of the familv as Earl of Dunbar