Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu/302

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court of Brunswick, and in 1772 a member of the house of burgesses. In 1788 he rep- resented Brunswick in the state conven- tion. In after years he was in the state senate and was president of that body. He married Elizabeth Binns. daughter of Charles liinns. in July. 1758.

Jones, Orlando, son of Rev. Rowland Jones, first minister of Bruton parish, Wil- liamsburg, was burgess from King William in 1712-1714, 1715, 1718. He married (first) Martha Macon, daughter of Gideon Macon, and (second) Mary Williams, daughter of James Williams, of King and Queen county. He was born De- cember 31. 1681. was a scholar at Wil- liam and Mary College in 1699, and died June 12. 1719, leaving by his first wife, one son. Lane Janes, and a daughter, Frances, will) married Colonel John Dandridge.

Jones, Rev. Owen, was licensed for \'ir- ginia August 17, 1703. and came to Vir- ginia soon after, where he was made rector of St. Mary's parish, Essex county, and still held the charge twenty years later.

Jones, Peter, was in 1674 major in com- mand of a fort near the falls of Appomattox river. He had a son Peter, who died in [721. A grandson, Peter Jones, son of Peter Jones, w^as the founder of Petersburg. The last was captain and then major of the Prince George county militia, and died in Amelia county in 1754. (William and Mary College Quarterly, xix., 287).

Jones, Rice, came from Canada in 1623; settled in Warwick county and patented land in Warrosqucake, on the south side ot the James river in 1628.

Jones, Richard,

jjurgess from

Amelia county in the assembly of 1736-1740. He was probably the Richard Jones who died in Amelia county in 1759, and names sons Richard, Peter, Daniel and Llewellyn Jones, and daughter Amy Watson, Prud- ence Ward, Rebecca Ward and Martha Jones.

Jones, Robert, a royalist, who received man}- wounds in the civil war, emigrated to Virginia about 1650. In 1676 he took sides with Bacon, was condemned to death, but was spared because of his former loy- alty to the King. Major Thomas Hansford, prominent in the rebellion had in his family a tutor, a Robert Jones, who may have been this man.

Jones, Robert, was a Inirgess for Surry cciunt}- in the assembly of 1752-1755.

Jones, Robert, represented Southampton county in 1753 i" place of Thomas Jarrell, deceased.

Jones, Robert, was a burgess from Essex ccamty in the assembly of 1723-1726.

Jones, Roger, ancestor of a distinguished family of the United States, came to Vir- ginia in 1680 with Lord Culpeper, and had charge of a sloop-of-war in Chesapeake Bay, for the collection of customs and the suppression of piracy. He married Dorothy Walker, daughter of John Walker, of Mans- field, in Nottinghamshire, England, and died in 1701, leaving sons Frederick and Thomas ((j. v.).

Jones, Rev. Rowland, was a son of Rev. Rowland Jones, vicar of Wendover, in coun- ty Bucks, England. He was born at Swin- brook, near Burford in Oxfordshire, edu- c^.ted at Merton College. Oxford, was first