scends paternally from Scotch forbears, ma- commander of the Virginia forces at the
tcrnally of German ancestry and a nephew battle of Craney Island, in 1813. He died
of Dr. William B. Yonce, for many years soon after the close of the war. His wife
professor of Greek and Latin in Roanoke was Mary Mackey, a daughter of Captain
College. He attended private schools in the Andrew Mackey. who was a member of the
county of his birth. He graduated with the Society of the Cincinnati. John Boyd, the
Bachelor of Arts degree at Roanoke College maternal grandfather of Mr. Faulkner, was
in 18S9, then entered the Lutheran Theolog- '^o""" i" Scotland, and on coming to Amer-
ical Seminary at Alount Airy, Pennsylvania. '^^ settled first in Pennsylvania, but moved
He was graduated from this institution in ^" ^ierkeley county, Virginia, about 1742.
1892, in the same year being ordained into Elisha Boyd, father of Mary Boyd Faulkner,
the Evangelical Lutheran ministry, and also ^^'^^ ^ soldier of the war of 1812, and for a
ii: that year receiving assignment to his first "umber of years served as a general of state
charge, Burke's Garden, Virginia. For two ""I'tia of Virginia. He built one of the
years he filled this pastorate, then became fid homesteads of the state known as "Bcyd-
pastor of the First English Lutheran Church ^'He," in the vicinity of Martinsburg. which
of Richmond, where he remained until 1898. •'^^'■- Faulkner now occupies. Senator Fanlk-
In 1898 Dr. Morehead was elected president ' *^'" ^^^^ ^ student in private schools of Elli-
of the Southern Lutheran Theological Semi '■'° ^'^3'- Maryland, in Paris, France, and
nary, at Charleston, South Carolina, also <^'ermany and Switzerland, during the time
being elected to the chair of systematic, '""'^ father was minister to France. Return-
theology, a connection that endured until
1903, although during the scholastic year of
1901-02 he pursued courses at the univer-
sities of Berlin and Leipsic. In 1903 Dr
Morehead accepted the presidency of Roa-
noke College, where his diligent labors have
met with splendid results. It was this insti-
ing to his native country, he entered the
Virginia Military Institute, and in 1867 ma-
triculated in the LIniversity of Virginia,
from which he graduated with the class of
1869. While in the institute, he participated
in the battle of Newmarket. Subsequently
he was on the staff of General John C.
tution that in 1894 honored him with the lireckenridge, in the Confederate army, and
degree of Master of Arts and in 1902 with afterwards on the staff of General Henry
that of Doctor of Divinity. He married, ^- Wise, surrendering with him at Appo-
October 6, 1892, Eleanor Virginia Fisher "lattox. Immediately following his gradu-
and has issue. ation from the University of Virginia, he
entered upon the practice of law, and has
Faulkner, Charles James, born in Mar- since been connected with the bar as a prac-
tinsburg, then Virginia, now West Vir- titioner or judge. In 1880 he was elected
ginia, September 21, 1847. His grandfather, to the bench of the thirteenth circuit of
Major James Faulkner, was born in the West Virginia, composed of the counties of
North of Ireland, became a resident of the Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan. He is now
new world, espoused the cause of his adopt- engaged in general practice, but largely rep-
ed country in the war of 1812, and was resents corporate interests, and is counsel