Duke, Judge Richard T. W., born in Char-
lottesville, \irginia, August 27, 1853, son
01" Col. Richard T. W. Duke (q. v.) and his
wife, Elizabeth Scott Eskridge ; a descend-
ant of Dr. Thomas Walker (q. v.), of
"Castle Hill." Albemarle county, Virginia,
who was the guardian of Thomas Jefferson,
and also a descendant of George Eskridge
(q. v.), guardian of the mother of Wash-
ington, who, in gratitude for the services
rendered to her, named her son for him.
Ht attended several private schools of his
native town, and later went to the academy
conducted by Maj. Horace Jones. He stud-
ied at the University of Virginia from 1870
10 1S74. and received the Magazine Medal
in 1873. In the same year he began to
study law in the law school of the univer-
sity. In October, 1874, he began to prac-
tice law in Albemarle. He became his fath-
er's partner and did a large business. In
1886 he was elected judge of corporation
court of Charlottesville, and afterwards
was twice re-elected, after which he declined
further service on the bench. Judge Duke
is a man of versatile talents, has written
beautiful verse, and has contributed many
articles to leading magazines. His time is,
however, greatly taken up with legal busi-
noss and he does not have niucii leisure foi
literary work. He has been active in the
interests of the Masonic fraternity in the
United States, and is past grand master of
the order in Virginia. His affiliation with
ether jrganizations is as deputy governor
of the Society of Colonial Wars ; member of
the \irginia Historical Society, of the Sons
of the Revolution, and of the Phi Beta Kappa
fraternity of William and Mary College : has
been presiding officer of the grand ch;i])tor
of the Zeta Psi fraternity of North .\nicrica.
He is 'also a member of the State Library
I'.oard. Judge Duke married, October i.
1884, Edith R. Slaughter, a daughter of
John F. Slaughter, Esq.
Gravatt, John James, was born in Port Koval, Caroline county, Virginia, May 14, 1S53, son of John James Gravatt and Mary Eliza Gravatt, his wife. He graduated from William and Mary College with distinction,
- Mterwards taking the degree of M. D. at
the University of Pennsylvania, and prac- ticing at Port Royal. He is descended from Col. Miles Gary, of Warwick county. Vir- ginia; Col. Larkin Smith, of King and Queen county, Virginia; and Col. John .\mbler, of Jamestown. He entered the preparatory department of the Virginia 'I heological Seminary, then the seminary proper, graduated in 1876, was ordained minister by the bishop of Virginia, and I'.ccepted a call to St. John's Church, Hamp- ton. \"irginia, where he spent sexenteen years, also preaching for the veterans of the Soldiers' home and the negroes and Indians of Hampton Normal Institute. In 1893 he went to the Bishop Moore Memorial Church ii. Richmond, now known as Holy Trinity. Mr. Gravatt has also acted as chaplain of militia and of various benevolent orders. (Ill April 2g. 1879. he married Indie Wray Jones.
Trice, Thomas Randolph, born in Rich- nuiiul. \'irginia ; in 1S5O became a student in the University of \'irginia, and two years later graduated with the degree of Master of .Arts; the following three years were s])ent in travel and study in Uerlin. Kiel, I'aris and Athens; only the outbreak of the civil war prevented tlie completion of his studies and attainment of the doctor's de-