Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/103

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one vessel to another, backwards and forwards, tò-kùe-lâi tò-kùe-khṳ̀; piâⁿ-lâi piâⁿ-khṳ̀. empty show, hṳ-hua.

emulate, o̍h; o̍h-iēⁿ; hãu-o̍h; hãu-huap.

enable, sái-nâng-õi; pang-tsõ.

enact, a law, li̍p-huap; siet-li̍p tiāⁿ-lī.

enamel, glazing on dishes, thn̄g. to enamel, lâm-thn̄g; kài-thn̄g.

enamoured, of, ha̍h-sim-sek; chhêng-ài; lûan-ài; lûan-chhêng; kùan-lûan; lûan-siẽⁿ; lûan-sieh.

encamp, tì-iâⁿ; pha-iâⁿ-pûaⁿ; kiẽn-iâⁿ; li̍p-iâⁿ; kak-iâⁿ; tshàng-iâⁿ. encampment, iâⁿ-pûaⁿ.

enchain, só-thih-soh; pa̍k-thih-soh.

enchant, mîⁿ; miⁿ-ho̍k. enchantment, siâ-su̍t; bû-su̍t; siâ-huap; tshái-chheⁿ-huap. enchanter, sái-siâ-su̍t; tsò-bû-su̍t.

enchase, inlay with jewels, sieⁿ-ge̍k. adorn with figures, tiau; kuah; khek; tiau-hue kuah-chiáu; tiau-hue khek-chiáu; tiau-kuah hue-chiáu.

encircle, chiu-ûi; sì-khou-ûi; tshûan-ûi; sì-chiu-ûi; ûi-che̍k-khou.

encomium, o-ló; piáu-iâng; chheng-iâng; chheng-tãu.

encounter, fight, ke-húe sie-chih; kau-chièn; sie-thâi; chih-tīn. meet, sie-ngõ; ngõ--tie̍h.

enclose, pau; huang; huang tõ-hṳ́-tói. a letter, huang-tsṳ-sìn.

encourage, tsàng-táⁿ; tsõ i-kâi táⁿ-la̍t; kóu-bú.

encroach, chiàm; pà-chiàm; chhîm-thun; chhîm-kùe. on another's fields, chiàm-tshân-tī.

encumber, thua-thūi; tsó-gāi; hûang-gāi.

end, tsong; búe; suah-búe; kiáu-búe. of road, lōu-búe. of year, nîⁿ-búe. both ends, thâu-búe; sang-thâu. I do not know what the end of this affair will be, m̄-tsai chí-kâi-sṳ̄ kàu-búe-ke̍k sĩ-tsò-nîⁿ. in the end, kàu-búe. to end, ûan; tsò-chiâⁿ; sêng-kong; tsò-kàu-liáu; tsò-kàu chhêng-tshó. a speech, tàⁿ-ūe-hiah. one's life (voluntarily), tsṳ̃-chĩn; ka-kī khṳ̀-sí. attain one's end, tit-ì. to what end is this? chí-kâi-sṳ̄ ũ-sĩ-mih lĩ-iah? what end has he in view? i ũ sĩ-mih ì-sṳ̀? endless, bô-liáu; bõi-uân; kú-kú bõi-hiah; bô-kat-suah. end of the world, sì--kan kâi mu̍at-ji̍t. no more of this! let the matter end! pã--liáu.

endeavour, chhì. to do any thing, chhì-thóiⁿ; thèng-tsãu-hùe. do one's best endeavour, chĩn-la̍t; tshut-la̍t.