Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/124

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tãng-phah. with rod, phah-tek-tshûe; phah-tek-pì. with large heavy rod, phah-tek-póiⁿ. till severely injured, phah-kàu lok-lok; phah mîⁿ-mîⁿ.

flood, deluge, tōa-tsúi; âng-tsúi. flooded, pun âng-tsúi im--khṳ̀. tide, lâu tĩⁿ; nâm-lâu; ji̍p-lâu. gate, tsúi-tsa̍h.

floor, thôu-ẽ. wooden, lâu-pang; tī-póiⁿ-pang. brick, âng-tsng. lime, hue-tiâⁿ. to lay a, kek-tī-póiⁿ (wood); phou-tsng (brick); phah-hue-tiâⁿ (lime).

florid, kuang-tshái; hua-múiⁿ. complexion, mīn-sek kuang-tshái; mīn-sek âng-zũn; mīn-sek âng.

floss, zông.

flour, hún. wheaten, mīⁿ-hún; mīⁿ-tshòi. potatoe, tsṳ̂-hún. rice, tshòi.

flourish, to, heng-sẽng; heng-uãng; hong-sẽng; lāu-jie̍t; uãng-khì. and decay, heng-sue.

flout, ki-chhiè; ki-chhiáu; chhiáu-chhiè.

flow, lâu. ebb and, lâu khó-tĩⁿ. around, chiu-liû. over-flow, lâu--tshut; iah--tshut; múaⁿ--tshut; e̍k--tshut. till dry, lâu-kàu-ta.

flower, hue. to, khui-hue. bush, che̍k-tsâng-hue. one sprig, che̍k-ki-hue. a bouquet of, che̍k-pa̍k-hue; che̍k-pé-hue. bud, phah-lúi. half-blown, hue hâm-hâm; hue-pùaⁿ-khui. full-blown, khui-khṳ̀-phàu. fade, hue sià. quite faded and done, tshâng. -vase, hue-pân; hue-kan; chéⁿ-kan. -pot, hue-puah; hue-phûn. -garden, hue-hn̂g. flowered cloth, hue-pòu. work with needle, see EMBROIDER.

fluctuate, bô-tiāⁿ-tie̍h; e̍k-lâi e̍k-khṳ̀; î-î e̍k-e̍k; chhien-kói bô-tiāⁿ.

flue, in-tâng; tsàu-tshue (of furnace).

fluent, tàⁿ-ūe liù-liù-ku̍t; khî-tshùi zû-kuah-tsúa-to; ũ-kháu-lẽng; ũ-kháu-tshâi.

fluid, tsúi-tsúi; chhieh-chhieh; iêⁿ-iêⁿ; ko-ko (different degrees).

flush, mīn âng--khí-lâi.

flute, hûeⁿ-te̍k. to play, pûn-hûeⁿ-te̍k.

fly, pue. run away, tsáu; tô-tsáu; pī-tsáu. a kite, pàng-huang-khîm.

fly, a, hôu-sîn. a cloud of, che̍k-tīn hôu-sîn. -catcher (spider) hôu-sîn-hóuⁿ.