Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/136

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girdle, ie-tòa; ki-tòa; ki-ie.

girl, tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; a-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; tsáu-kiáⁿ. boys and girls, tsṳ́-nńg. servant-, tsáu-kúi; chhiah-kha; hia-thâu.

girth, bé-tõu-tòa. what is the girth of this tree? chí-tsâng-chhiū chiu-ûi jie̍h-tōa?

give, pun; sṳ̀; khṳt; sàng; ṳ́. assent, tsún. in marriage, kè; kè--pun-nâng. into one's care, hù-thoh. way to one, jiãng; jiãng-ūi. in, tho. over to, kau; kau-hôiⁿ. up evil, khì-siâ kói-ak. one's life, siá-miāⁿ; khì-sin; siá-miāⁿ khì-sin. notice, pò-tsai. evidence, keng; kháu-keng. alms, si-chì; chì-phîn; chín-chì; kiù-chì; si-siá. trouble, kiáu-jiáu; lâu; huân-lâu; bûa-lūi. given to, hàuⁿ.

gizzard, kṳ̃n.

glad, huaⁿ-hí; hí-la̍k. very, huaⁿ-huaⁿ hí-hí. to make, sái--nâng huaⁿ-hí; khṳt--nâng huaⁿ-hí.

glance, iáⁿ-ma̍k. to see at a, che̍k-iáⁿ chiũ-tsai; che̍k-thóiⁿ chiũ-tsai; che̍k-ma̍k liáu-jiên. metaph., che̍k-siẽⁿ chiũ-tsai.

glare, of the sun, ji̍t-tsam chhiēⁿ-tie̍h-ma̍k; ji̍t-tsam tsam-tie̍h-ma̍k. from water, ji̍t-tsam tõ-tsúi-tói húan-chie--khí-lâi; iap-iap-sih. glare with the eyes, ma̍k-chiu lìn-lìn-khah; ma̍k-chiu khah-khah-lìn. too glaring, khah-tshut-sek.

glass, po-lî; liû-lî (not quite the same). to male, ié-po-lî; pûn-po-lî. bottle, po-lî-tsun. for drinking, po-lî-pue; po-lî-cheng.

glaucoma, ou-jîn pièn-chheⁿ; chheⁿ-kuang hak-ngán.

glaze, thn̄g. to glaze, lâm-thn̄g.

gleam, kng che̍k-ē-chiè; kng iap-che̍k-kiè.

glean, khieh-chhek-sūi; to̍h-chhek-sūi.

glide, silently, on tiptoe, nihⁿ-kha nihⁿ-kha chiũ-kiâⁿ.

glimmer, nihⁿ-sih-kng nihⁿ-sih-kng; ki-teng nihⁿ-sih nihⁿ-sih.

glistering, õi-kng; kng-chiè; iaⁿ-chiè; kng iaⁿ-iaⁿ; kng iàⁿ-iàⁿ; tāng-tāng-kng; ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

globe, kiû. terrestrial, tī-kiû. celestial, thien-kiû. globular, îⁿ;îⁿ-thói; îⁿ-chieh; îⁿ-hêng; lòng-lòng-îⁿ; îⁿ-lìn-lìn.

gloomy, weather, thiⁿ ou-àm; thiⁿ mông-lông.

glory, iông-kuang; iông-hûa. gloryfy, kui-iông-kuang.