Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/169

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invariable, ióng-kú put-e̍k; che̍k-tiāⁿ put-e̍k; siêⁿ-tãu.

inveigle, kau-ín; iú-phièn; ín-iú; kuang-lau-nâng.

invent, soiⁿ-tshàng; soiⁿ-siet-li̍p; soiⁿ-tsò; khí-thâu-tsò.

inventory, tsa̍p-mue̍h-toaⁿ; tiám-hùe kâi-toaⁿ. to check by inventory, kiám-tiám.

invert, póiⁿ-tńg; póiⁿ--kùe-lâi. inverted, tò; tin-tò; tin-tò-thâu; tò-khap; chèng-tńg; tin-tò-thâu chèng.

investigate, tshat-kiù; chhê; chhê-mêng; káng-kiù; siâng-tshat; sím-mn̄g; séng-tshat; séⁿ-tshat; ki-kháu; ki-chhê; phûan-chhê; sòi-siâng-mn̄g; kháu-kiù.

inveterate, khah-kú oh-kói; kùiⁿ-sìⁿ; tùe-ngẽ. disease, kù-chi̍t.

invigorate, póu-la̍t; tsàng-sin; póu-iáng; iáng-la̍t; iáng-cheng-sîn; phûe-iáng khì-la̍t.

invincible, thâi-m̄-iâⁿ; thâi-m̄-kùe.

invisible, bô-hó thóiⁿ--kìⁿ; ma̍k só-lân-tshat; bô-hêng hó-thóiⁿ; bô-chiah hó-chhîm.

invite, chhiáⁿ. guests, chhiáⁿ-nâng-kheh; chhiáⁿ-chiú; hũe-kheh; chhiáⁿ-sia̍h. invitation card, chhiáⁿ-thiap.

invoke, pín-khiû; khiû; táu-kàu. heaven, táu-thiⁿ; táu-tsok Siãng-thien.

invoice, hùe-toaⁿ; hùe-mue̍h-toaⁿ.

involve, lūi; liên-lūi; thua-lūi; thùa-lūi; po-lūi; hām-hāi. involved, siũ-lūi; lap--tie̍h.

involuntary, bô-sim bô-ì; put-tsai put-kak; tshut-tõ bô-ì.

irksome, hûan-jiáu; kiáu-jiáu; kan-khóu; ùi; iàm-khóu.

iron, thih. cast-, seⁿ. unwrought, chheⁿ-thih. malleable, jiû-nńg-thih; nńg-thih; se̍k-thih. to temper, chhih-tsúi. an iron for clothes, ut-táu. to iron, ut. -filings, thih-sut; thih-tshùi; thih-hu; thih-sua. -wire, thih-sùaⁿ.

ironical, húan-ngân; húan-ngân ki-chhiáu; tsuan tin-tò-tàⁿ lâi-ki-chhiáu; khõ-nâng.

irrational, m̄-mêng-lí; bô-lêng-hûn.

irrelevant, u-khuah; khuah-lok thâu-kṳn; huàm.

irresistible, tsó-m̄-tit; tí-tng m̄-tsũ.

irreverence, put-kèng; khin-bũan; siet-to̍k.

irresolute, thiû-thû; thiû-siẽⁿ; tsú-ì m̄-tiāⁿ; būe-ũ kuatⁿì; thiû-thû put-lêng che̍k-kuat; chìn-chìn thò-thò.