Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/182

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longitude, keⁿ-sùaⁿ. and latitude, keⁿ-hūi.

look, thóiⁿ. take a, thóiⁿ-che̍k-ē; thóiⁿ-che̍k-ma̍k. up, tièⁿ--khí-lâi thóiⁿ. down, thóiⁿ-kẽ; phak--lo̍h-lâi thóiⁿ. back, ut-tńg-thâu thóiⁿ; hûe-thâu thóiⁿ. askance, siâ-ma̍k-thóiⁿ. after, kuan-thóiⁿ; kuan-siú; thóiⁿ-siú; chéⁿ. over, kiám-tiám (many items); tshó-lia̍k-thóiⁿ (cursorily, as book or letter). looker-on, phâng-piⁿ-thóiⁿ kâi-nâng. looking-glass, mīn-kiàⁿ. lookout turret, mōⁿ-lâu. look up a dictionary, chhê-jī-tién.

loom, weaver's, chit-kui; keⁿ-pòu-kui; kau-kui; pòu-kui.

loop, for button, niúⁿ-phàng. loop-hole, chhèng-khang.

loose, sang; sang-khùaⁿ. to, kói; pàng; sek-pàng. to get loose, lut--khṳ̀. to loosen, pàng-sang; pàng-khùaⁿ; kói-khùaⁿ; kói-phàⁿ; kói-lēng. dissolute, hùang-tãng; bô-tsat-tōu; hùang-tsòng.

lop, off, branches, tsám-chhiū-ki.

loquacious, tsōi-ūe; tsōi-tshùi; tshùi tsōi; hàuⁿ-tàⁿ-ūe; ki-tshùi siauh-siauh-kiè zû kuah-tsúa-to.

lord, tsú.

lose, sit; sit-lo̍h; sàng-tiāu; m̄-kìⁿ; zũi-sit. a battle, thâi-su; pāi-tīn; chièn-pāi. the way, kiâⁿ-tāⁿ-lōu; kiâⁿ-tshò-lōu; tsáu-tshò lōu-thû; m̄-pat-lōu. one's pains, uáng-hùi cheng-sîn; uáng-hùi kang-hu; thû-hùi sim-la̍t; thû-lâu bô-kong. time, sit-sî; hṳ-iẽn nîⁿ-gue̍h; hṳ-iẽn ji̍t-sî. courage, sàng-táⁿ; táⁿ lo̍h; phùa-táⁿ. heart, lî-sim; sim lî. flavour, hiàⁿ-khì; sia̍p-khì; tsáu-khì; tsáu-bī. colour, lo̍h-sek; thò-sek. in gambling, pua̍h-su. capital, si̍h-pńg; khui-pńg; khui-si̍h; khui-khòng; m̄-kàu-pńg.

lot, of ground, che̍k-kò-tī; che̍k-phiâⁿ-tī. of people, ke-ke-nâng. contented with one's lot, siú-hūn uaⁿ-mẽng; tsai-tsok. cast, or draw, lots, thiu-chhiam; khieh-khau; po̍ih-chhiam; lok-chhiam; pua̍h-pue.

lotion, ie̍h-tsúi. to apply a, sói-ie̍h-tsúi; chhiù-ie̍h-tsúi; buah-ie̍h-tsúi; tah-ie̍h-tsúi; sueh-liâng (cooling); ù-liâng (id.).

lottery, iêⁿ-pie; hue-hũe. to try, phah-iêⁿ-pie; teh-hue-hũe; phah-hue-hũe. ticket, iêⁿ-pie-tsúa; hue-hũe-phoi. to win in a, phah--tie̍h. Manilla, Lṳ̃-sòng-pie.

lotus, nôiⁿ-hue.

loud, tōa-siaⁿ. noise, tōa-ē-hiáng. thunder, lûi kia-