Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/200

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nation, kok.

native, a, pńg-tī-nâng; pńg-thóu pńg-tī-nâng. place, pńg-hieⁿ; pńg-tī; kū-hieⁿ; kū-thóu; ke-hieⁿ.

natural, thiⁿ-seⁿ; tsṳ̃-jiên; thien-jiên; só-seⁿ; pńg-seⁿ. disposition, sèⁿ; sèⁿ-chhêng; pín-sèⁿ; pín-chieh.

nausea, àiⁿ-thòu; àiⁿ-áu; áu-ueh; ueh-ueh-thòu. nauseated, chia̍h--liáu ià.

naval, officer, tsúi-sṳ.

navel, tóu-tsâi. string, tsâi-tòa. to cut it, tńg-tsâi.

navigable, hó-sái-tsûn. navigate, kiâⁿ-tsûn. navy, che̍k-tūi chièn-tsûn.

near, kṳ̃n; siang-kṳ̃n. sighted, kṳ̃n-sĩ-ma̍k. nearly, tsha-m̄-to; tsua̍h-m̄-tsōi; tsáu-tsua̍h ũ-hãn. come near, kṳ̃n-bûa.

neat, tsôi-chiáⁿ; chhî-chéng; chiám-tso̍ih; iap-thiap; kiau-kiah.

necessary, iàu-ēng; chhiet-ēng; chhiet-iàu; te̍k-àiⁿ. daily, ji̍t-ēng. a, tang-si; chhè-tî; chhè-koiⁿ. of necessity, put-tit-íⁿ. necessitous, phîn-khiông; khueh-hua̍t; phîn-kip; kip-chhiú.

neck, ãm. back of, ãm-ãu; ãu-táu. front of, ãm-ẽ. band, ãm-niáⁿ. necklace, ãm-liēn.

necromancer, thóiⁿ-siàⁿ; lo̍h-sîn-phûa.

need, see NECESSARY. need not, mién; mín-ēng. the needy, phîn-mîn; phîn-khiông-nâng.

needle, tsam. eye of, tsam-phīⁿ. to thread a, tshng-tsam. case, tsam-tō. of the Chinese compass, chí-lâm-tsam.

needless, expenditure, hṳ-hùi; hua-hùi; khang-hùi.

neglect, tãi-buãn (treat disrespectfully); hut-lia̍k (slight); khin-buãn; khin-hut; miáuⁿ-hut; put-kù (not take care of); bô-kuan-kù; bô-chiàu-kù; bô-thóiⁿ-kù; bô-kù-sím; bô-lí (not attend to, as business). negligent, lak-thak; lak-lṳ́; lua-thûa (putting off).

negotiations, for peace, kiâⁿ-hûa; káng-hûa.

negro, ou-mīn-nâng; ou-huan.

neigh, bé kiè.

neighbour, tshù-piⁿ; tshù-piⁿ lîn-iũ; tshù-lîn; lîn-kṳ. neighbourhood, lîn-kṳ̃n. neighbouring (village; kingdom), lîn-hieⁿ; lîn-kok.

neither, more nor less, bô-ke bô-kiám. neither he not I went, i iā bô-khṳ̀, uá iā bô-khṳ̀; pí-tshṳ́ lóng-tsóng bô-khṳ̀.