Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/222

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pour, out, tò; tò-tiāu (as useless). tea, sai-tê. wine, sai-chiú. in, tò--lo̍h-khṳ̍. as down the throat, kùan.

pout, tshùi khiàu-khiàu; tshùi tu-tu.

powder, hún. cosmetic, tsúi-hún; sang-hún; ìn-chí-hún; tōa-pe̍h-hún. use this, buah-hún. medicinal, ie̍h-súaⁿ; ie̍h-bua̍h. gun-powder, húe-ie̍h; chhèng-ie̍h. horn, gû-kak-tâng. to powder by grinding, gnóiⁿ-bua̍h; lûi-iùⁿ.

power, khûan; khûan-lêng; khûan-sì; khûan-la̍t; khûan-pèⁿ; lêng-la̍t; sì-la̍t; sì-thâu; tshâi-lêng. to be in his power, tõ i chhiú-ẽ; tõ i chhiú-sim-tói; tõ i kúan-ẽ. powerful, ũ-khûan; ũ-khì-la̍t. powerless, bô-la̍t; bô-khûan; bô-ta-uâ. powerless against any one, bô-ta i-uâ; bô-nãiⁿ i-hô; sì-la̍t put-te̍k.

pox, chicken, tsúi-tsu; tsúi-tāu. small-, tshut-tsu; gâu-a-niêⁿ; sún-tsái; thien-hue. inoculate for, pûn-tsu (by the nostrils). vaccinate for, chèng-tsu; chèng-tāu; chèng-iêⁿ-tāu. scab of, tsu-phí. pock-marked, poiⁿ.

practice, si̍p-liēn; ha̍k-si̍p; liēn-si̍p; kiâⁿ-ûi.

praise, o-ló; chheng-tsàn; tsàn-múiⁿ; sõng-múiⁿ.

prance, thìau; pháu; pháu-lâi pháu-khṳ̀.

prattle, nôuⁿ-kiáⁿ-ūe; chíⁿ-ūe; bô-keng-le̍h kâi-ūe.

prawn, hê. very small, dried, hê-bí.

pray, khî-táu; táu-kàu; khî-khiû; khiû; táu-khiû; khî-mōⁿ; táu-tsok; khî-tsok. a written prayer, khî-táu-bûn. repeat prayers, liām-keng. book of prayers, keng-chheh.

preach, káng-tãu; káng-tãu-lí; thûan-tãu; lũn-tãu; lũn-káng; káng-sueh; sueh-tsṳ; káng-mêng tõ-lí. the Gospel, suang-thûan hok-im; suang-mêng hok-im-tãu.

precarious, m̄-ún-tǹg; m̄-thêng-tǹg; m̄-thó-tàng; m̄-tek-tàng.

precaution, ṳ̃-pĩ; ṳ̃-hûang; hûang-lṳ̃; hûang-ṳ̃.

precede, soiⁿ; soiⁿ-kîaⁿ; thiàu-thut.

precept, kài; kài-mẽng; mẽng-lẽng; tiâu-lī; kà-sī.

precious, pó; pó-pùe; kùi-khì; kùi-tõng; tien-tõng.

precipice, suaⁿ kiã; kiã-sià; suaⁿ-khàm; kiã-hiám.

precipitate, mâng-kip; huang-mâng kip-chhiet.

precipitate, to, léng-pua̍h oneself, tsṳ̃-thiàu.

precisely, tùi-tùi; chìaⁿ-chiàⁿ; tú-tú; bô-tshò.

precocious, siàu-nîⁿ láu-sêng; nîⁿ siàu, tshâi kau.

precursor, soiⁿ-khu; tsôiⁿ-khu.

predict, ṳ̃-ngân; ṳ̃-soiⁿ-tàⁿ; thâu-soiⁿ-tàⁿ.

pre-eminent, tshut-chèng; thiàu-khûn; tshut-lūi; tshut-thoh; kùe-nâng.