remit, sià; sià-mién. taxes, sià-niêⁿ. rent, sià-tsou; kien-tsou; mién-tsou.
remonstrate, khǹg-kòi; khǹg-kàn; cheh-lũn.
remote, hñg; iâu-ién.
remorse, siẽⁿ-siú-hùe; thiàⁿ-hùe.
remove, puaⁿ-khui; khie̍h-khui; súa-khui; î-súa; chhien-î; chhien-súa. bad influences, khṳ́-siâ to̍k-mu̍t; khu-siâ to̍k-mu̍t.
remuneration, pò-siéⁿ. to a teacher, sok-kim; sok-siu; tsṳ-kim. for work done, kang-chîⁿ.
rend, li̍h; lì; li̍h-phùa; lì-li̍h; túi-li̍h.
renew, tsò-sin; sin-tsãu; ūaⁿ (change); kói-sin.
renounce, khì-tiāu; khì-tso̍h; m̃-jīn. one's company, tso̍h-kau.
renowned, ũ hó-miâⁿ-siaⁿ; miâⁿ iâng sì-hái; tshut-miâⁿ; thuân-miâⁿ; chhî-miâⁿ.
rent, to, a house, &c, sùe; tsou; pa̍k. house rent, tshù-tsou; tshù-sùe.
repair, siu-si̍p; pa-lói; chiáⁿ-lí; siu-chiáⁿ; póu.
repay, hôiⁿ; hâiⁿ; kau-hôiⁿ; pûe-hôiⁿ. see RECOMPENSE.
repeal, hùi-huap; phah-tiāu-lī.
repeat, lêng-gūa-tsò; tsài-tàⁿ; têng-tàⁿ; tàⁿ ke-che̍k-tsūa. a lesson, liām-tsṳ. ad aperturam, tshoh-liām. repeatedly, tsài-saⁿ; lú-tshṳ̀; ē-ē.
repent, hùe-kói; siẽⁿ-siú-hùe; hûe-thâu; hùe-tsũe; ũ-hùe-sim.
repine, uàn; ùan-hṳ̃n; ùan-tshoih; ùan-thiⁿ iû-nâng. at one's unhappy lot, ai-ùan chhi-tshám.
replace, pûe-hôiⁿ; pûe-siêⁿ. in old position, pàng tõ-nguân-ūi.
repletion, kùe-pá; khah-pá; kùe-pá sieⁿ-pî.
reply, tap; ìn; ìn-tap; hûe-tap. a, hûe-im. written, hûe-jī; hûe-sìn. official, to petition, &c, phoi.
report, hong-siaⁿ; hong-bũn; húang-bũn. to, pò; pín-tsai; hûe-ho̍k (on a subject committed to one). to the emperor, tsàu-pńg; tsàu-chieⁿ.
repose, uaⁿ-hiah; khang-lêng; phêng-an; uaⁿ-chẽⁿ.
represent, by drawing, ūe-tôu. a matter, thîn-mêng; piâⁿ--kùe. stand for, thòi; àiⁿ-tsò; thòi-tsò. as a plaintiff, phõ-kò.
repress, at-chí; iap-chí; kìm-chí. anger, lún-khì. one's feelings & keep silent, lún-khì thun-siaⁿ.