Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/241

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rhinoceros, sai-gû.

rhubarb, tōa-n̂g.

rhyme, ūn. to, ap-ūn; tâng-ūn; hia̍p-ūn; ha̍h-ūn. rhyming dictionary, si-ūn.

rib, phiaⁿ-lî-kut; hia̍p-ẽ-kut; hia̍p-kut.

ribald, talk, tshou-ūe; tshou-lâm iá-tshùi.

ribbon, tòa. silk, si-tòa. wide, tōa-póiⁿ-tòa. small, tòa-kiáⁿ. fish, tòa-hṳ̂.

rice, shoots, ng. transplanted, tiũ; hûa. grain, chhek (paddy). husked, bí. cooked, pn̄g. boiled very soft and moist, mûeⁿ (congee). cleaned from bran, pe̍h-bí. not cleaned from bran, tshò-bí. glutinous, tsu̍t-bí. ground, bí-tshòi. bran, bí-khng. water in which rice has been washed, bí-phun; phun. sell, thiè-bí. buy, tia̍h-bí; niêⁿ-bí. wash before boiling, thuah-bí. boil, tsṳ́-pn̄g; pû-pn̄g. pour off the water after boiling, thîn-pn̄g; tè-pn̄g. fill the bowl with, thiⁿ-pn̄g. water from cooked, ám; pn̄g-ám. to transplant, pòu-tshân; pòu-tiũ. to sow, iā-ng. shop, bí-phòu.

rich, pù; pù-kãu; pù-kùi; ũ-chîⁿ. food, pûi; pûi-zṳ̃. to become, huat-tshâi; chek-tshâi. riches, pù-ũ; tshâi-pe̍h; chîⁿ-tshâi; ke-tshâi.

ricinus, pi-mûaⁿ. oil, pi-mûaⁿ-iû (castor-oil).

ride, khiâ-bé. in sedan, tsõ-kiē. in coach, tsõ-chhia.

riddle, mĩⁿ. propose a, tsò-mĩⁿ. guess, ieh-mĩⁿ; tshai-mĩⁿ; phah-mĩⁿ.

ridge, butween fields, tshân-hūaⁿ. of house, tàng-êⁿ-téng. -pole, tàng-êⁿ.

ridicule, ki-chhiáu; tshú-chhiè; chhiáu-chhiè; hì-chhiè.

ridiculous, hó-chhiè; khó-chhiè; bô-tõ-lí.

right, tie̍h; chiàⁿ; sĩ; bô-tshò; a wrong, sin-uan. and wrong, sĩ-hui; tn̂g-tó. do, tshông-chiàⁿ. hit the right method, tie̍h-huap. it is my, sĩ uá hūn-tsôiⁿ só-eng-kai; sĩ úa pńg-téng só-tit. hand, chiàⁿ-chhiú; iũ-chhiú. put to rights, chiáⁿ-lí; siu-chiáⁿ; tshâu-sì-chiàⁿ. how can this be right? khí-ũ tshṳ́-lí?

righteous, ngĩ; kong-ngĩ. to declare, chheng-ngĩ.

rigid, ngẽ; kien-ngẽ; ngiâm.

rigorous, ngiâm; ngiâm-sok; ngiâm-tiâu.

rim, kîⁿ; tshùi. of wheel, chhia-lûn-kîⁿ.

ring, a, huân; khuan; khou. arm, chhiú-huân. finger, chhiú-tsat; chhiú-chí; kài-chí.