Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/243

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tsûn lṳ̂-chie̍h; tsûn ta̍k--tie̍h chie̍h. rockery, ke-suaⁿ; ké-suaⁿ.

rock, to, iê; iẽ. rocking basket (cradle), iê-nâⁿ.

rocket, húe-su̍h. to fire a, pàng-húe-su̍h.

rod, tshûe; ko; tek-póiⁿ. fishing-, tièⁿ-ko.

rodomontade, la-kè; sueh-húang; la-húang; huah-sì.

roe, a, te̍k-bó.

roe, of fish, hṳ̂-tshun.

rogue, láu-kiáⁿ; kuang-kùn; láu-kuang-kùn.

roll, lín; khah. about, khah-lâi khah-khṳ̀; lín-lâi lín-khṳ̀. up, kauh; kauh--khí. as boat, bái. dough, khoih-mīⁿ. the eyes, ma̍k-chiu lìn-lâi lìn-khṳ̀. thread, in-sùaⁿ; tîⁿ-sùaⁿ; khûan-sùaⁿ. a, che̍k-kauh.

roller, chie̍h-lín; chie̍h-khah. for cloth, ta̍h-pòu-chie̍h. for dough, mīⁿ-thûi.

roof, tshù-téng.

room, pâng; koiⁿ; pâng-koiⁿ; one, che̍k-koiⁿ-pâng. no, bô-ūi-tshṳ̀; bô-khang-tī; bô-khang-tshù; bô-tī-hng. a bed-, u̍t-pâng. drawing-, khah-thiaⁿ; kheh-thiaⁿ.

roost, for fowls, koi-tiâu. to, koi chiẽⁿ-tiâu; chhi-tiâu.

root, kṳn; kṳn-thâu. of tree, chhiū-kṳn. origin, kṳn-pún; ngûan-thâu. to root up, po̍ih-kṳn; pi̍t-po̍ih-tiāu.

rope, soh. to make, phah-soh; ká-soh. walk on a, kiâⁿ-soh. six-fold, la̍k-kóu-soh.

rosary, liām-tsu.

rose, gue̍h-kì-hue.

rotten, àu; hu-hu; mîⁿ; hûan; hiúⁿ; nūaⁿ; nūaⁿ hiúⁿ-hiúⁿ. wood, hiúⁿ-ba̍k; thûaⁿ-tshâ. tooth, tsù-khí; khí tsù-tiāu.

rouge, in-chi; in-nîⁿ. to use, tiám-in-chi; bua̍h-in-chi.

rough, siap; tshou; tshou-siap. copy, kó. road, khi-khu. roughly done, as outline, tsháu-tsut. rough unfinished article, phue-tho; phue-bôu.

round, îⁿ. to turn, huiⁿ-lìn-tńg; ut-tńg-thâu.

rouse, out of sleep, hàm-chhéⁿ; kiè-chhéⁿ. one's attention to anything, that-chhéⁿ. incite, kóu-bú; thie-so; kà-so. roused, chhéⁿ-ngõ; kéng-chhéⁿ.

rout, to, phah-tsáu; phah-sùaⁿ. to be routed, pāi-tsáu; pāi-tīn. a rout, luãn-tsáu.

route, lōu.

row, hâng; lie̍t; tsūe. in rows, che̍k-hâng che̍k-hâng; che̍k-lie̍t che̍k-lie̍t.