Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/248

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scarlet, tsu-âng.

scatter, sùaⁿ; sì-sùaⁿ; phah-sùaⁿ; hun-sùaⁿ; jiāu-sùaⁿ; to̍k-sùaⁿ; khu-sùaⁿ. seed, iā-chéng. scattered about and lying in all positions, hûeⁿ-ka-lí-ti̍t.

scene, of a play, che̍k-tshut-hì.

scenery, kuang-kéng; suaⁿ-tsúi.

scent, khì; bī. sweet, hiang-khì; phang-khì. to scent the perfume, phīⁿ-phang. scentless, bô-khì-bī.

sceptical, ũ-gî-sim; m̄-sìn.

sceptre, chhiâu-póiⁿ; chhiâu-hut; zû-ì; khûan-pèⁿ.

scheme, kòi; kòi-chheh; kòi-mông. to, mông-ue̍h; mông-ûi; thû-mông; siet-kòi; siet-mông; siẽⁿ-sim-sṳ̄. scheming, ũ-sim-sṳ̄.

scholar, mn̂g-seng; tĩ-tsṳ́; ha̍k-seng; bûn-thông. a learned man, tha̍k-tsṳ-nâng; pá-ha̍k; phak-ha̍k; lãu-ha̍k-kiù; sṳ̃; bûn-sṳ̃. scholarship, ha̍k-mn̄g; lãi-tshâi; ha̍k-bûn.

school, tsṳ-che; o̍h-tn̂g; tsṳ-īⁿ. boys', nâm-o̍h. girls', nńg-o̍h. free, ngĩ-o̍h. to open, khui-tsṳ; khui-ha̍k. to close, pie̍t-che; pie̍t-kúan; pie̍t-o̍h; pàng-kè. -boy, mông-thông; thông-mông; siáu-ha̍k-seng. -master, sin-seⁿ; kà-tsṳ sin-seⁿ. -mistress, nńg-sṳ. -fellow, theng-iú; tâng-theng phêng-iú; īⁿ-iú; tsò-pû tha̍k-tsṳ. let out the school daily, pàng-hẽ.

schooner, nõⁿ-ûi kap-pán-tsûn.

science, kek-mu̍eh; khiông-lí kek-mu̍eh.

scissors, ka-to. a pair of, che̍k-ki ka-to. to cut cloth with, ka-pòu.

scoff, ki-chhiè; ki-chhiáu; ki-ngí; bú-lõng.

scold, mēⁿ; cheh-mēⁿ; hiâm; cheh-hiâm; cheh-pĩ.

scoop, for water, khat-kóng; hòu-táu; pû-hia. to scoop rice, tshah-bí; tsãⁿ-bí.

scope, kang-niáⁿ; tsóng-náuⁿ; tsóng-chí; tãi-ì; tãi-iàu; tãi-lia̍k.

scorch, pha̍k-ji̍t. scorching heat, thiⁿ-sî pek-zua̍h; chiau-pek; zua̍h-ta̍k.

scorn, miáu-sĩ; khin-hut; thóiⁿ-khin; thóiⁿ m̄-chiẽⁿ-ma̍k; thóiⁿ-m̄-khí.

scorpion, hiet; hiet-kiáⁿ.

scoundrel, kuang-kùn; láu-kiáⁿ; kùn-thû; húiⁿ-thû; húiⁿ-lūi.

scour, chhiù; lṳ̀. with sand, sua-chhiù.