Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/267

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stagger, to, pho-lo-sia-kiâⁿ; pha-phîn-kiâⁿ.

stagnant, water, sí-tsúi; bõi-kiâⁿ-lâu kâi-tsúi.

stain, jiám-u; mak--tie̍h nah-sap. with ink, ba̍k-u. with blood, hueh-u. see DYE.

stair, lâu-thui; ta̍h-pōu-tsâng. go upstairs, teng-lâu; seng-lâu; chiẽⁿ-lâu; peh-chiẽⁿ-lâu; khṳ̀-lâu-téng.

stake, for fastening cattle to, gû-khṳ̍t. to throw a rope over, lap-khṳ̍t.

stale, sit-bī; tie̍h-kauh (mouldy).

stalk, tiũ-kó; be̍h-kó.

stall, gû-koiⁿ; gû-tiâu; gû-nûaⁿ.

stallion, bé-kóu.

stamens, hue-chhiu.

stammer, tōa-chi̍h; tàⁿ-ūe têng-kù.

stamp, to, khap-jī-hō; khap-ìn.

stamp, to, with the foot, thiàm-kha; thiàm-tī; thiàm-thôu-ẽ; thiàm-tôi thiàm-kih. when singing, phah-pán.

stanchion, khiã-thiãu; thèⁿ. in window, theng-chí.

stand, khiã. up, khiã--khí-lâi. erect, khiā-khiā. not stand on ceremony, put-khu lói-siàu; mín-tsṳ́-sòi. stand and look passively on, siù-chhiú phâng-kuan. cannot stand it, nãiⁿ-m̄-khṳ̀; m̄-hó-nãiⁿ. a stand, kè; kí-tshn̂g; tê-kí. for clothes, ui-kè; saⁿ-kè.

standard, kî.

staphyloma, ma̍k-chiu thóu-tsu; ma̍k thóu-tsu.

staple, a, thih-phīⁿ; ka-sut.

star, chheⁿ; che̍k-lia̍p-chheⁿ. stars and constellations, chheⁿ-siù. falling, pue-chheⁿ. sun, moon and stars, ji̍t-gue̍h chheⁿ-sîn.

starch, chieⁿ; kôu (paste). to, kùe-chieⁿ; kùe-ám.

stare, ma̍k kim-kim-thóiⁿ; ma̍k-chiu tsù-tsù tõ-thóiⁿ. staring about all round, ma̍k thóiⁿ kàu-iaⁿ-iaⁿ; ma̍k kok-kok-kim. what are you staring about for? õ, lṳ́ tsò kâu-kâu-iang?

starling, liãu-ko-chiáu.

start, on a journey, khí-sin; khí-kiâⁿ; khí-thêng; khí-bé.

startled, tie̍h-kiaⁿ; he̍hⁿ--chē-kiè. to startle, phièn-nâng-kiaⁿ.

starve, gō. to death, gō-sí.

state, of a thing, chhêng-hêng; hêng-sì; sṳ̄-chhêng; chhêng-iû; kéng-ngõ; ngõ-ha̍h.