Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/271

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strict, kín; ngiâm; sòi-siâng.

stride, to, hu̍ah. over, hu̍ah-kùe. a, che̍k-hu̍ah.

strife, kháu-kak. to stir up, puaⁿ-so sĩ-hui; kà-so. see STRIVE.

strike, phah; khà; hḿ; khek. a name off list, tṳ̂-miâⁿ; khou-tiāu; keh-tiāu; sàng-khṳ̀; khṳ́-tiāu. the eye, tshok-ma̍k; tú-ngõ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ. together, sie-tsuãng. on a rock, tsûn huãm-suaⁿ; tsûn tiam-tie̍h-chie̍h; tsûn lṳ̂-suaⁿ. a striker, for a grain measure, táu-kài.

string, soh-kiáⁿ; sùaⁿ; pau-soh. for cash, chîⁿ-kǹg-soh. of musical instrument, hîⁿ-sùaⁿ. to string cash, tshng-chîⁿ. a string of cash, che̍k-tiàu-chîⁿ; che̍k-kǹg-chîⁿ; che̍k-tshoiⁿ-chîⁿ. a string of pearls or beads, che̍k-pak-tsu; che̍k-tshùan-tsu.

strip, to, pak; thut. of everything, pak-ko-kúe. the sleeves, lu̍t-saⁿ-ńg. a, che̍k-tiâu.

striped, poiⁿ-bûn; hue-bûn; seⁿ-niàuⁿ-hûn; liú-tiâu-hûn.

strive, sie-cheⁿ; sie-tàu; sài; cheⁿ-soiⁿ; sie-jiáng; sie-à; m̄-hûa; seⁿ-ūe.

stroke, sun-, pha̍k-tie̍h-ji̍t; chien-ji̍t. fatal ditto, ji̍t pha̍k-sí. of pen, che̍k-ue̍h. give him ten strokes, phah-i tsa̍p-ē. fetch a stroke with something in the hand, hḿ.

stroke, to, the hair, so-môⁿ; chhiú-môⁿ. to stroke a man down, so-lu̍ah; moⁿ-so. the beard, lu̍t-chhiu.

stroll, about, thit-thô; lau; in-iû; ôiⁿ-iû; ôiⁿ-kiâⁿ.

strombus, chhiú-tsat-lô.

strong, ũ-la̍t; khiàng; tōiⁿ; nãiⁿ; tsàng; tsàng-kiẽn; khin-kiāⁿ; kiāⁿ. of party, chhiàu. of tea, kãu.

struggle, to get free, pũn-tsáu. in the water, zuãn-mông.

strut, iâu-pái; iâu-iâu pái-pái.

strychnine, bé-tsôiⁿ-chí sng (nux vomica).

stubble, tiũ-kó-thâu.

stubborn, kù-chip. see OBSTINATE.

student, bûn-thông; tha̍k-tsṳ-nâng; tōa-ha̍k-seng (senior); iùⁿ-thông (younger). studious, khṳ̂n; khṳ̂n-la̍t; khṳ̂n-sim.

study, to, tha̍k-tsṳ. a, tsṳ-pâng. to mark one's progress in study, as teacher, khùe-thiâⁿ.

stuff, to, kùan; thn̄g; sat; sat-pá.

stuff, subst., mue̍h-kiãⁿ; tshâi-liāu.

stumble, pua̍h--tie̍h; kha tie̍h-that; that-pua̍h; that--tia̍h; lap-pua̍h; lau-pua̍h. over a stone, that-tie̍h-chie̍h.