Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/278

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down, khie̍h--lo̍h-lâi; pak--lo̍h-lâi. exercise, khṳ̀-thit-thô; kiâⁿ-thit-thô; kiâⁿ-siau-iâu; ôiⁿ-pōu; kîn-kiâⁿ; kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀. one by the hand, khan-chhiú. leave of, kàu-sî; sî-pie̍t; siang-pie̍t; chiãm-pie̍t; kàu-pie̍t. one in (cheat), tshuah; phièn; kuang-phièn. medicine, chia̍h-ie̍h. out of the water, liâu--tie̍h. off, shoes or clothes, thǹg-tiāu. off, a hat, pak-tiāu; hien-tiāu. one's hat to any one, hien-khí-bō tsò-lói-siàu. off a cover, iãuⁿ-khòiⁿ; iãuⁿ-khàm; iãuⁿ-khui. out a splinter, thie-tshuaⁿ; kiah-chhì. snuff, thie-phīⁿ-hun (out of bottle); chia̍h-phīⁿ-hun; hngh-phīⁿ-hun. up, with chopsticks, koih. with two fingers, nuehⁿ; niⁿ. under the arm, ko̍ih tõ koh-ẽ. the right hand path, tùi-chiàⁿ-chhiú-pôiⁿ khṳ̀. a disease, tie̍h-pēⁿ; ùe-tie̍h-pēⁿ; jiám-tie̍h-pēⁿ; thûan-jiám. upon oneself, ka-kī tam-sêng; taⁿ-tng; tsṳ̃-tsuan (without authority). fire, to̍h-húe. a wife, tshūa-chhin; tshūa-bóu; tì-ke. hold of, chhiú lia̍h; khie̍h-kín; khîⁿ; khîⁿ-kín; mán-kín; khan-kín. hold of one's queue, khím-piⁿ; tsáng-piⁿ; mán-piⁿ.

tale, a, che̍k-tn̄g-kóu; kóu-chheh. to tell tales, o̍h-kóu. -bearer, puaⁿ-sĩ-hui; puaⁿ-pái; puaⁿ-so; kòiⁿ-so.

talent, tshâi-chhêng; tshâi-lêng; pún-sṳ̄; pún-niáⁿ. a talented person, tshâi-tsṳ́; ũ-tshâi-chhêng.

talisman, hû; hieⁿ-hû. to wear, kùa-hû.

talk, káng; tàⁿ; tàⁿ-ūe; phue̍h; phue̍h-ūe; phi̍t-phue̍h; thâm-lũn. at random, thèng-tàⁿ. boastful, huah-sì; thóu-huah. talkative, tsōi-ūe; ūe-bî tsōi; tshùi tsōi; tshùi-táu tsōi; lo-so; lo-lo so-so.

tall, kûiⁿ; kûiⁿ-tōa; sin kau.

tallow, gû-lâ; iêⁿ-lâ; iû-lâ.

tally, a, ha̍p-tâng; chhiam. to, hû-ha̍h.

talons, jiáu. to seize with, jiáu khîm--tie̍h; jiáu tah--tie̍h.

tamarisk, sûi-si-liú; sûi-liú.

tame, se̍k. to, chhī-kàu-se̍k; khu-khek i-kâi-sèⁿ lo̍h.

tamper, with, sie-pa-lói; sie-bú-lõng; sie-pin-tǹg.

tan, to, se̍k-phûe. tanner, se̍k-phûe sai-pẽ.

tangled, thread, sùaⁿ zṳ̂-zṳ̂; sùaⁿ tîⁿ--tie̍h; sùaⁿ tîⁿ-khat.

tank, tsúi-kūiⁿ; tsúi-tsô; tsúi-táu.

tap, to, tah. at door, phah-mn̂g.

tape, tòa; mîⁿ-se-tòa. -line, pòu-chhieh. -worm, píⁿ-kam-thâng.

taper, a, chek.