Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/280

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tears, ma̍k-tsap; ma̍k-lũi. to shed, lâu-ma̍k-tsap; ma̍k-tsap lâu.

tease, kek-náuⁿ; pin-tǹg.

teat, gû-niⁿ-thâu.

tedious, work, kú-tn̂g khang-khùe; tsò-kàu-ùi.

teeth, khí; gê; tshùi-khí. molar, gê-thâu-khí. large ugly, sái-poiⁿ-gê. to get teeth, huat-khí. to pull out, khieh-khí. to put in false, sieⁿ-khí. to gnash, kã-gê.

telegraph, tiẽn-pò-sùaⁿ. to, kià tiẽn-pò-sùaⁿ.

telescope, tshoiⁿ-lí-kiàⁿ.

tell, tàⁿ; káng; pò-tsai; kàu-tsai; ta̍t-tsai; thong-tsai. tell him, kāng-i-tàⁿ; pò khṳt-i-tsai; tàⁿ-i-tsai. tell-tale, puaⁿ-sĩ-hui; puaⁿ-lâi puaⁿ-khṳ̀; puaⁿ-pái; puaⁿ-so.

temerity, káⁿ-tsò káⁿ-ûi; hiám--tang tsò.

temper, sèⁿ; sèⁿ-chhêng. bad, phî-khì. hasty, sèⁿ-thâu kín (or, kip). to restrain one's, jím-sèⁿ; lún-sèⁿ. to give way to, jĩm-sèⁿ; tsòng-sèⁿ.

temper, to, iron, thih chhih-tsúi; ngàn-tsúi; ngàn-thih; chhih-thih.

temperate, tsat-ēng; liâm-tsat; liâm-chẽⁿ kúaⁿ-io̍k.

tempest, huang-thai; khûang-huang méⁿ-hõu; huang-hõu tãi-tsak.

temple, keng-biē; am; biē-tn̂g; tōiⁿ-tn̂g. ancestral, sṳ̂-tn̂g. Confucian, siàⁿ-biē; jī; tōiⁿ.

temples, the, tsháu-ngán; hia̍h-kak (projecting parts of forehead).

temporary, chiãm; chiãm-sî.

temporize, siàng-ki zṳ̂-tõng; thóiⁿ-sì lâi-kiâⁿ; sûi-ki èng-pièn; tshu-sî; thóiⁿ-sì; kúaⁿ--nâng sî-heng.

tempt, iú-ho̍k; ín-iú; ín-ji̍p mîⁿ-thû.

ten, tsa̍p. ten times better, kiãng-ke tsa̍p-pũe. several tens, kúi-tsa̍p. ten thousand, che̍k-būan. not one in ten, tsa̍p--tang bô-che̍k. see TENTH.

tenant, tshù-tõiⁿ.

tend, towards, hiàng tùi-hṳ́-kò khṳ̀.

tender, chíⁿ; iùⁿ; jiû; sou; nńg; nap. hearted, tshṳ̂-sim; tshṳ̂-hûa. eyes, mîⁿ-ma̍k-kîⁿ.

tendon, kṳn. the large one at the heel, ãu-teⁿ-kṳn.

tenon, sún. mortice and, khang-sún. to fit mortice and tenon, tàu-sún; tàu-lo̍h-sún; lo̍h-ngám; tàu-ngám.

tent, pòu-phâng. to pitch, tah- (nêⁿ-; khui-) pòu-phâng.

tenth, the, tõiⁿ-tsa̍p. one, tsa̍p-hūn tsṳ-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn