Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/290

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triangle, saⁿ-kak-hêng.

tribe, tso̍k; tsong-phài; tsong-chiⁿ; chiⁿ-phài; lūi; chéng; chéng-lūi; chéng-tsa̍t.

tribunal, before a, thâi-tsôiⁿ; ùaⁿ-tsôiⁿ. ascend, chiẽⁿ-tn̂g.

tribute, to pay, chìn-kòng; na̍p-kòng. to pay to the emperor, kòng huâng-tì. articles of, chìn-kòng kâi pín-mue̍h.

trick, a, kòi; tsà-kòi; ngũi-kòi. full of tricks, tsōi-sim-sṳ̄. juggler's tricks, tsò-pa-hì; chia-ngán-huap; sái-seⁿ-huap.

trifle, to, sńg; bú-lõng. not to be trifled with, m̄-hó-sńg. a trifle, sié-sṳ̄; sié-khó kâi-sṳ̄; mûiⁿ-mua̍t kâi-sṳ̄; mûiⁿ-mua̍t kâi-mue̍h; kâi-ì-sṳ̀ tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ (said of a present made by oneself).

trigger, chiáu-kiáⁿ. to pull the, peⁿ-chiáu-kiáⁿ.

trim, to, a lamp, kiah-teng; thie-teng.

Trinity, Saⁿ-ūi che̍k-thói.

trip, to, thefoot, that--tie̍h-kha; sit-kha. and fall, that-pua̍h. on a rope, khṳt-soh kûe-(or, lau-) pua̍h.

tripe, gû-tõu; gû-chheh-peh.

triturate, ngóiⁿ; ngóiⁿ-hún; ngóiⁿ-bua̍h; bûa-hún; lûi-iùⁿ.

triumph, over enemies, thâi-iâⁿ; chièn-sèng; sèng-chiãng.

trivial, bô-siang-kan sṳ̄; sié-khó-sṳ̄.

trocar, thàu-kńg-tsam.

troops, kun; piaⁿ; piaⁿ-ióng.

trooper, bé-piaⁿ.

tropic, jie̍t-tòa kâi-pak-hãn (of Cancer); jie̍t-tòa kâi-lâm-hãn (of Capricorn).

trot, pháu-bé tsho̍k-tsho̍k-kiè.

trouble, to, lūi--nâng; kiáu-jiáu; hûan-lâu. I will trouble you, lâu-kè. excuse my troubling you, lâu--lṳ́; lūi--lṳ́; phièn-lṳ́ hùi-sîn. troubles, kan-khóu-sṳ̄. troubled in mind, khóu-sim; hûan-ló; iu-būn.

trough, tsô; tsúi-tsô; bé-tsô; káu-tsô; tṳ-tsô.

trousers, khòu. one pair of, che̍k-kâi-khòu; che̍k-kiãⁿ-khòu; che̍k-tiâu-khòu. short, khòu-kue̍h. to roll up the legs of, tsah-khòu-kha.

trowel, hue-sî.

truce, thêng-chièn; hiah-thâi.

true, chin; si̍t; chin-si̍t; ũ-iáⁿ; si̍t-kṳ̃; chin-ũ. to one's