Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/306

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ēng. a waste place, khuàng-iá; khuàng-tī; khuàng-pou; pou-iá; phau-hng.

watch, a, sî-pie. to wind a, khui-sî-pie.

watch, of the night, keⁿ; keⁿ-kóu; keⁿ-tiám. the first, an-keⁿ. to beat the, khà-keⁿ; sûn-keⁿ; chiéⁿ-keⁿ. the man who does this, keⁿ-hu. though the thief comes only in one watch, we must be on guard all night, tsò-tsha̍t che̍k-keⁿ, chiéⁿ-tsha̍t che̍k-mêⁿ.

watch, to, thóiⁿ-siú; chiéⁿ; siú. as sentry, sûn-hûang. watchful, m̄-káⁿ-gu̍t; kéng-chhéⁿ. watchword, àm-hō. to appoint a, phah-àm-hō.

water, tsúi. to, ak-tsúi. flowers, ak-hue. -caltrops, nôiⁿ-kak. -course, tsúi-kau. -cresses, tsúi-khṳ̂n-tshài. -engine, tsúi-chhia. -fall, pak-pòu-tsúi; pak-pòu-tsûaⁿ. -lily, nôiⁿ-hue. -mill, tsúi-bō. -pail, tsúi-tháng. melon, si-kue. watering-pot, sũan-tháng; ak-tshài-tháng. waterspout, lêng kauh-tsúi. watery, tâm-tâm lok-lok-chhieh; kà-kà; seⁿ-tsúi; lóng-lóng.

wattles, tek-tsa̍h; tek-ûi.

wave, éng; hái-éng; po-éng. to wave a flag, i̍t-kî. the flag waves in the wind, kî iãⁿ-huang.

waver, to, siẽⁿ-thâu bô-tiāⁿ; būe-ũ kuat-ì; būe-chêng phah-tiāⁿ tsú-ì; phah-sǹg būe-tiāⁿ.

wax, la̍h. candle, la̍h-chek. to wax thread, sùaⁿ kia̍p-la̍h. in the ears, hĩⁿ-sái.

way, lōu; tãu; thû; lōu-thû; lōu-tãu; lōu-thâu; lōu-kèⁿ. on the, lōu-chiēⁿ; lōu-téng; lōu--kò. to lead the, tshūa-lōu; ín-lōu; kāng-lōu; kiau-lōu. to be in one's, hûang-gāi. to be in the way, tìn-tò; tìn-tiāu tī-hng. half-way, pùaⁿ-lōu; lōu-pùaⁿ-kue̍h. do it this way, chièⁿ-seⁿ-tsò. what way? ēng sĩ-mih huang-huap? which is the right? tùi tî-tiâu-lōu kiâⁿ chiàⁿ-tie̍h? get out of the, kiâⁿ-khui; kiâⁿ-bûa. to get out of one another's, sie-pī. lose one's, kiâⁿ-tāⁿ-lōu; kiâⁿ-tshò-lōu.

we, ûn (excludingthe person addressed); nán (including person addressed).

weak, nńg-jia̍k; bô-la̍t; phu̍h. tea, po̍h-tê; tãⁿ-tê. weakening, sún-cheng-sîn. in weak health, sin-hūn phàⁿ; sin-hūn lám.

wealth, chîⁿ-tshâi; chîⁿ-ngṳ̂n; tshâi-pe̍h. wealthy, pù; ũ-chîⁿ. to become, huat-tshâi.

wean, keh-nĩⁿ; tñg-nĩⁿ; pàng-nĩⁿ.