Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/72

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cradle, iê-nâⁿ.

craft, chiú-gōi; kĩ-gōi. craftsman, sai-pẽ.

crafty, kan-tsà; kan-káu; kan-hiông; tsà-ngũi; kan-ngũi; ũ-tì-hũi; ũ-sim-sṳ̄.

cram, teh-tsa̍t; ji̍h-tsa̍t.

cramp, thiu-thiàⁿ. in the legs, thiu-kha-kṳn.

crane, pe̍h-liãu-si. for lifting weights, chhia.

crape, jiàu-se.

crash, piāng--chē-kiè; kōng--chē-kiè; kūang--chē-kiè.

crave, khiû; khṳ́n-khiû; koh-lô. craving for food, tóu iau. for opium, a-phièn-ngièn. for liquor, chiú-ngièn.

crawfish, lêng-hê.

crawl, so; pê.

crazy, siáu; huat-siáu; huat-khûang; huat-tien; khûang-lũan; sim m̄-tiāⁿ; sim-sîn m̄-tiāⁿ.

creak, i̍hⁿ-ua̍ihⁿ-kiè; i̍hⁿ-a̍ihⁿ-kiè.

cream, gû-nĩⁿ-phûe.

crease, niàuⁿ-hûn; chih-hûn; chih-tsūe.

create, tshàng-tsãu.

creation, tshàng-tsãu thiⁿ-tī; khai-thiⁿ phek-tī. since creation, tsṳ̃-khai-phek íⁿ-lâi; tsṳ̃ khui-thiⁿ íⁿ-lâi. at the creation, hũn-tũn tsho-khai. the whole creation, thiⁿ-tī būan-mue̍h.

credentials, bûn-phêng; bûn-pêng; úi-pâi.

credit, sìn; sièn; siang-sìn. buy or sell on credit, chhia. creditor, chè-tsú. credible, khó-sìn; sìn-tit-kùe. credulous, khín-sìn; thèng-sìn. creditable, ũ-kong; ũ-thí-mīn; khó-kìⁿ-nâng; hó-o-ló.

creek, káng; sié-khoi; sòi-khoi; thong-kà.

creep, pê, so. creep up, pê--khí-lâi. through a hole, bùn-khang; nn̍g-khang. under the bedclothes, nn̍g--ji̍p phũe-tói. stealthily along, níhⁿ-kha-kiâⁿ.

crescent, moon, gue̍h-bâi; sin-gue̍h; ngô-bâi-gue̍h.

crew, of ship, tsúi-siú.

crevice, khiah; phāng; phāng-khían; hûn-phāng; hûn-khiah.

cricket, tek-sut. chirping of, tiang-tiang-kiè.

crime, tsũe. commmit, hũam-tsũe. a capital, sí-tsũe.

criminal, hũam-jîn; tsũe-jîn; tsũe-hũam; chhiû-hũam.

crimson, tōa-âng-sek.

cringe, tsṳ̃-khut; thiám-mīⁿ thài-kùe.

cripple, kuái-kha.