"Elgin Marbles."—Other Satires of 1816.—John Bull's Bankruptcy Proceedings.—Remanded for Extravagance.—His "Schedule."—Seditious Troubles of 1817.—A Satire on the Princess Caroline.—Death of the Princess Charlotte.—Other Satires of 1817—of 1818.—The "Bank Restriction Note."—Satires of 1819.—Queen Caroline and other Caricatures of 1820 and 1821.—Death and Funeral of the Queen.—The Populace force the Procession to go through the City.—The Military fire on the People.—Alderman Sir William Curtis in Highland Costume.—Indignation of the King.—Satires on both.—Statue of Achilles.—Other Caricatures of 1822.—Satires of 1823 and 1824.—Joint Stock Company Mania of 1825.—Undated Satires—Amazing value of George Cruikshank's Caricatures.pp.125-166.
George Cruikshank as a Book Illustrator.—Defects and Excellencies.—Women, Horses, Trees.—"Greenwich Hospital."—Sikes and the Dog.—Jonathan Wild.—Simon Renard and Winwike.—"Born a Genius and Born a Dwarf."—Its History.—Randulph and Hilda at Ranelagh.—Sale of the Shadow.—Sailors Carousing.—Paying off a Jew.—Simpkin Dancing.—The Last Cab Driver.—Dominie Sampson.—Dumbiedikes.—Fall of the Leaf.—Taurus.—Libra.—Revolution at Madame Tussaud's.—Theatrical Fun Dinner.—"Gone!"—Duke of Marlborough's Boot.—The Two Elves.—Witches' Frolic.—Ghosts.—Jack o' Lantern.—Devils.—The Gin Shop.—Redgauntlet.—Fagin in the Condemned Cell.—Murder of Sir Rowland Trenchard.—Xit Wedded to the Scavenger's Daughter.—Mauger Sharpening his Axe.—Massacre at Tullabogue, etc.—His Geniuspp. 167-188.
The Sleep of Thirty Years.—Causes of George Cruikshank's Decadence Insufficiently Understood.—Professor Bates' Theory.—Charles Dickens's Nervousness (?).—Why Cruikshank was Unfitted to Illustrate his Novels.—The Rejected Illustration to Oliver Twist.—Quarrel with Bentley.—Guy Fawkes Illustrations.—"Ainsworth's Magazine." Progress of the Cruikshank versus Bentley Campaign.—Cruikshank's Declaration of War.—His Tactics.—"Our Library Table."—Quarrel with Harrison Ainsworth.—Cruikshank's Claim to be Originator of Two of his Stories Considered.—A word for Harrison Ainsworth.—Popularity and Success of his Novels.—Charles Lever's "Arthur O'Leary.<! -- should be an end-quote here -->—Cruikshank's final Leap in the Dark.—Its Fatal Consequences.—Crusade against Drink.—"Worship of Bacchus."—His Work Falls away.—Thirty Years of Artistic Sterility.—Fairy Stories turned into Temperance Tracts.—Forgotten!pp. 189-207.
Birth of Robert Seymour.—Starts as a Painter in Oils.—Death of George IV.—His Contemptible Character.—Sale of his Wardrobe.—Order for General Mourning.—"The Adelaide Mill."—Revolution of 1830.—Dismissal of the