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502 MARSIGLIO OF PADUA October thought : but it denies all knowledge of his family name. His personal friend the poet Albertino Mussato * calls him ' Marsilius de Raymundinis civis Paduanus plebeius '. There is no other- indication elsewhere that Marsiglio belonged to this family, and very little evidence 2 that such a family existed at that time. But in a metrical 3 epistle (to which we shall have recourse later on) Mussato states that the father of Marsiglio was Bonmatheus. Working from another direction we find a reference in a Bull 4 of John XXII to a canonry given to Marsiglio the son of Bon- matheus de Maynardino of Padua, and in a trial 5 at Avignon to accusations brought against Marsiglio de Maynardino author of the Defensor Pads : so that we are justified in calling Mar- sigh' o the son of Bonmatheus de Mainardinis. The identity of his grandfather can be gathered from another Paduan docu- ment, 6 which says that on 8 April 1265 Bonmatheus the son of Johannes de Mainardinis was acting as notary to the university of Padua, a fact which helps to explain the education of Mar- siglio. There are also records 7 of several other members of the family, roughly covering the century from 1303 to 1403. We read of Giovanni the father of Ludovico or Luiso de Mainardini, whose distinguished son Giovanni Michele was a licentiate in 1381, obtained the degree of doctor of medicine in 1387, made his will on 11 August 1395, and died in the early part of the year following. His sister Catterina married Bizzardo, the notary of the university and son of Giovanni Lenguazzi. On his death Giovanni Michele left his wife Mattea, daughter of Bernardo di Lazara, guardian of his only child and heir Giovanna : and the death of Giovanna in August 1403 brought an end to this branch of the family. There still remain two unconnected members, Conradus 8 and Franciscus, 9 but their memorial tablets give no clue to their 1 Ludov. Bav. in Muratori, Eer. Hal. Script, x. 773 : but Papadopolus, Hist. Gymnas. Patav. ii. 154, says he was ' nobili Mainardina familia natus '. 8 Gloria, Studi, i. 408 : ' E reputiamo errore di ammanuense il cognomine di lui de Baymondinis in vece di de Mainardinis recato dalle edizioni dell' opera di Albertino Mussato. Niun monumento abbiamo rinvenuto, che parli della famiglia padovana Raimondini.' 3 No. xii in Graevius and Burmann, Thesaurus Ant. et Hist. Ital. vi, part 2 : ' Prae- dilecta boni proles benefausta Matthaei.' Thomas, Melanges d' Arch, et d'Hist., ii e annee (1882), p. 449, in reading ' Boni ' solves the difficulty felt by Huraut, p. 11, Riezler, Lit. Wid. p. 30, and Sullivan, Amer. Hist. Review, ii. 411.

  • Riezler, Vatikanische Akten, no. 6. 5 Baluze, Miscellanea, ii. 280.

' Gloria, Monumenti, p. 21. 7 Gloria, Studi, ii, nos. 1946 and 2246 : other documents given in Studi, i. 408. Giovanni Michele is also mentioned by Colle, Storia scientijico-letteraria, iii. 242, and by Facciolati, Fasti, introd., p. 47. 8 Salamonius, Urbis Patav. Inscript., p. 257. The epitaph, which runs ' Hie iacet D. Conradus de Mainardinis ', was to be seen ' ad portam Decumanam Templi Occi- dentem versus '. Scardeone, De Antiquit. Urbis Patav., p. 150. The epitaph, ' Hie iacet D. Francis, de Mainardinis ', is in the Eremitani.