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550 CALENDAR OF THE October 39. I. iii. 601. More to Erasmus. In magnam ... 16 July (1517), London. 40. I. iii. 623. More to Erasmus. Dilatus ... 19 August <1517>, London. 41. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. VI. 317 ; Brewer, ii. 3634. Henry VIII to Wingfield, Knight, More. Henricus dei gratia . . . 26 August 1517, London. Draft commission to settle disputes between English and French mer- chants in Calais. Meeting (perhaps the first) with French commissioners at Calais, 26 September. More returned to England about Christmas : see I. iii. 623. 20 n. 42. Ill, p. 234. More to his daughters and to Margaret Gyge. Satis explicare . . . <1517 ?> Written in absence. As John is not included, this is perhaps one of More's earlier letters to his children. 43. I. iii. 654. Erasmus to More. Mitto tabulas . . . 8 September (1517), Antwerp. 44. I. iii. 669. Erasmus to More. Misi me tibi . . . 16 September <1517>, Louvain. 45. I. iii. 683. More to Erasmus. Pertulit tandem . . . 7 October <1517>, Calais. 46. I. iii. 684. More to Peter Gilles. Mi charissime . . . 7 October <1517, Calais). 47. Ill, p. 62. More to Edward Lee. Quod vero . . . (Autumn 1517 ?> Lee has not published yet, ' ... si certe quid edideris aliquando tuum ' : see I. iv. 109. 48. Record Office, State Papers, Hen. VIII, 16, p. 37 ; Brewer, ii. 3743. Wingfield, Knight, More to Wolsey and the Council. 13 October <1517>, Calais. Original. 49. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. VI. 325 ; Brewer, ii. 3750. La Fayette and others to the English Commissioners at Calais. 17 (October) 1517, Boulogne. Original. 50. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. E. III. 25 ; Brewer, ii. 3766. Wingfield and More to Wolsey and the Council. <c. October 1517, Calais ?) Original. 51. I. iii. 688. More to Erasmus. Accepi, mi Erasme . . . 25 October <1517>, Calais.