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1922 THE REGISTER OF LOUVAIN UNIVERSITY 89 Excerpts from the Register of Louvain University from 1485 to 15 2j. THE following excerpts from the matricula of the university of Louvain relating to the admission of foreigners and other notable scholars are here published in consequence of a delay in the publication of the complete work which is likely to be prolonged. 1 The list is not exhaustive, and the absence of any name does not imply either that it is not found in the register or that its bearer was not a member of the university. The regulations according to which all those who were in any way connected with the university had to be inscribed were not always strictly observed, especially in the cases of foreigners. 2 The birthplace or the diocese is not always recorded, and the rectors, who had charge of the matricula each for only one semester at a time, did not make their entries with uniform punctuality and completeness. Some wrote down only the name of the student and that of his father. The spelling of foreign names is generally bad, especially in the last days of the semester, when hundreds of names were inscribed. This, of course, renders identification difficult. I have given in foot-notes such particulars of the individual students as I have been able to trace. It will be convenient to add here the explanation of the other entries which accompany the names. The word minorennis applies to those who, being under age, had to take the matriculation oath vicariously through an older member of the university. Pauper indicates that the full fee was not to be paid, whereas the nobiles were taxed at a higher rate. For the students for the faculty of arts, the entries record to which of the four paedagogia they belong, Castrenses, Lilienses, Falconenses, and Porcenses. 3 Italics have been used in the text to indicate additions by later hands. H. DE VOCHT. I486 June 12. Edmundus Edward anglicus dyoc. london. in iure civili fo. 8 r 1 The manuscript is entitled Tertius Liber Intitulatorum (Brussels, Royal Library, MS. 3441). The first volume of the Matricide de V University de Louvain, 1426-1453, edited by E. Reusens, was published in 1903 in the series of the Commission Royale d'Histoire. No second part has yet been published.

  • Thus the name of Erasmus is not entered in 1602 or 1503, although he was

probably then as closely connected with the university as in 1517 ; nor have I been able to find the name of J. L. Vives, who on 3 March 1520 was authorized to lecture (Valerius Andreas, Fasti Academici Studii Generates Lovaniensis, Louvain, 1650, p. 357), nor that of Nicholas Daryngton, who in his letter to Henry Gold, 14 February 1522, states that he has attended Vives's public lectures and the theological exercises (Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, vol. iii, nos. 2052, 2204, 2390 ; ante, xxii. 747-8). 3 Val. Andreas, pp. 251-74.