Page:English as we speak it in Ireland - Joyce.djvu/14

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Chapter Page
I. Sources of Anglo-Irish Dialect, 1
II. Affirming, Assenting, and Saluting, 9
III. Asserting by Negative of Opposite, 16
IV. Idioms Derived from the Irish Language, 23
V. The Devil and his 'Territory,' 56
VI. Swearing, 66
VII. Grammar and Pronunciation, 74
VIII. Proverbs, 105
IX. Exaggeration and Redundancy, 120
X. Comparisons, 136
XI. The Memory of History and of Old Customs, 143
XII. A Variety of Phrases, 185
XIII. Vocabulary and Index, 209
Alphabetical List of Persons who sent Collections
of Dialectical Words and Phrases, 353