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^ ^Sl £ Bolinger Marckwardt Eekersley Saussure Marckwardt Evans Finocchiaro Jespersen Langendoen Roberts Pyles Zandvoort Baugh CaxnpbeD Dabiziger Liles Stageberge Gleason O'NeiU Lado Lado Lado Langacker Lectrues Roberts Prator Reibel Pyles Alexander Smith Fries Langendoen Yorkey Alexander Harris Rivers Brook B^ch Taubr . Stevick Jespersen

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Elgin Schane Brook Fillmore Langendoen Lawrence ' Alexander Lado Lado Hail Halt Hall Hall ' Walker Walker Walker Language Services Hornby McCallam Advanced Reading and Writing American English A Comprehensive English Grammar for Foreign Student Course in General Linguistics A Common Language A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage English as a Second Language from Theory to Practice Essential of English Grammar Essential of English Grammar English Syntax English : An Introduction to Language A Handbook of English Grammar A History of the English Laiiguage Insights into English Structure An Introduction to Literary Criticism An Introductory Transformational Grammar An Introductory English Grammar An Introduction to Descrqitive * Linguistics Japanese Naina Language Teaching Language Testing Linguistics Across Cultures Language and -Its Structure (2nd. Edition) Linguistics Modern Grammeu: Manual of American English Pronunciation Modern. Studies in English Tha Origins and Devetopment of the English Language(2nd Edition) Fluency in English

  • An Outline of English Structure

The Structure of English The Stu^y of Syntax Study Skills Devetoping Skills Testing English as a Second Language Teaching Foreign Language SWlls Understanding Fiction Uhiversals in Linguistic Theory Working With Aspects of Language A Workbook in Language Teaching The ^Philosophy of Grammar ^Guide to Tranformationa! Grammar Generative Phonology Understanding Poetry Studies in Linguistic Semantics Writing as a Thinking Process Practice and Progress English Series Textbook 1-6 English Series Workbook 1-6 Orientation in American Er^lish Textbook I- 6 Orientation in American English Workbook Orientation in American English Readerbook Orientation in American English Tapebook New Horizons in English Textbook 1-3 New Horizons in English Workbook 1-2 New Horizons in EngHsh Teacher's Guide 1-2 Intensive Course in English Vol I -IV Oxford Progressive English Course Book 1-3 Idiom Drills wjt 62a « BwsE»» 5o»a"i am<^ si-s-iHsti 1 11 '