Page:English for Teachers.djvu/16

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Unit 1

Chapter 3

Commands (p. 454)
Take a look around you.

Direct Quotations
"The future is in our hands," the scientist says.

  1. Some common classroom commands:

    Open your books.
    Be quiet.
    Stand up.
    Sit down.
    Come to the blackboard.
    Sit up straight.

    Attention. Bow.
    Pay attention.
    Open the door/window/your books.
    Close the door/window/your books.
    Put your books in your desk.
    Look at page _____.

    • Practice giving these commands politely with "please" or with proper intonation and stress.
    • Exchanges

    A: She's upset about something.
    B: Just leave her alone.

    A: Brush off your coat.
    B: Is something on it?
    A: Yes. I think it's chalk dust.

    A: Please sit up straight.

    B: I'm sorry. I'm tired.
  2. Proverbs Practice what you preach.
    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    Speak softly but carry a big stick.
    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.