Page:English for Teachers.djvu/39

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Unit 3

Chapter 2

  1. Activity (continued)
    B. Question/Answer. Follow the example.
ex. Some food's been eaten.
A: Who ate it?
B: It was eaten by (me).
  1. Some money's been stolen.
  2. The decision is being made.
  3. English is going to be taught.
  4. A meeting is being held.
  5. The application's been filled out.

C. Question/Answer. Follow the example.

ex. He says he isn't busy.
Why doesn't he get busy?
  1. He says he isn't married yet.
  2. He says he isn't ready yet.
  3. She says she isn't dressed yet.
  4. They say they aren't used to it yet.
  5. He says he isn't organized yet.

D. Question/Answer. Follow the example.

ex. Do you ever get lost?
Yes. Sometimes when... (I travel I get lost.)
  1. Do you ever beat your students?
  2. Do you ever get drunk?
  3. Do you ever get hungry in the middle of the night?
  4. Do you ever think you're getting old?
  5. Do you ever get wet?