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Unit 3

Chapter 4

Object followed by Description Words

I want the fence white. I want the fence painted. I want the fence painted white.

Note: The compliment in this pattern can consist of adjective 2. a past participle 3. a past participle + adjective.

Past Participle as Adjective (p. 459)

I am not surprised.

Present Participle as Adjective

I found the test surprising.

  1. Exchanges

    A: You like your food hot, don't you?
    B: Yes, but not too hot.

    A: Do you want the fence painted?
    B: No, I'm going to do it tomorrow.

    A: Do you want cream in your coffee?
    B: No, I'll take it black, please.

    A: Was that book given to you?

    B: No, I bought it.
  2. Reading

    Tom Sawyer

    Aunt Polly wanted the front fence painted white, and when Aunt Polly wanted something done it had to be done right away.
    "But Aunt Polly, why not have it painted by somebody else? I've already decided to go fishing."

    "Tom Sawyer, you get out there this minute, or I'll have you strung up on the nearest tree!" she said.
    Reluctantly, Tom picked up the paint bucket and brushes and walked to the old fence. Soon, everyone was saying that Tom was actually working.