Page:English for Teachers.djvu/49

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Unit 4

Chapter 1

  1. What is the doctor going to do?
  2. What exactly is Mr. Park's question?
  3. What is the exact answer?
  4. Ask the questions with "will". Give short answers.
    1. hurt very much
    2. be very pleasant
    3. Mr. Park feel it

III. Dialogue

Mr. Lee: Why isn't it done? Who was going to do it?
Mrs. Kim: I thought your brother was going to do it.
Mr. Lee: Didn't you say you were going to do it?
Mrs. Kim: Me? No, I didn't.
Mr. Lee: Well, who's going to do it?
Mrs. Kim: We'll all do it.

Answer the following questions about the Dialogue:

1. What is Mr. Lee talking about in the first line?
2. Whom did Mrs. Kim think was responsible?
3. Whom did Mr. Lee think was responsible?
4. Who was going to be responsible?
5. Who will be responsible?

IV. Writing

Construct a situation for the above Dialogue. Write 2 or 3 sentences (as in II, A) inventing a reference for "it" in the dialogue. Discuss whether your situations will work; then ask and answer the questions again, giving specific answers.

V. Activity

Use the following commands to make a polite request, using "won't".

1. Bring two or three friends.
2. Try one of these.
3. Stay a few minutes.
4. Drop me a line.
5. Have a bite to eat.
6. Sit over here.

7. Step into the principal's office.
8. Pick a number.
9. Stop in for a drink.
10. Take this money.
11. Wait a minute.
12. Come home with me.