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Unit 4

Chapter 4

The Prepositive (p. 449)

Shall we try to help him?
Let's do that.

I. Activity

A. Go back to Unit 4, Chapter 1, Activity V. Using "Shall" and "Let's", do the exercise again, making verb and pronoun changes where necessary.

B. Follow the example.

ex. Shall we open a window?
Let's not. Let's open (the door) instead.

1. Shall we speak English?
2. Shall we meet at noon?
3. Shall we ask Mr. Yoon?
4. Shall we go to a movie?
5. Shall we invite Jack?
6. Shall we go to a Chinese restaurant tonight?
7. Shall we play a little poker?
8. Shall we go to the Ulsan wine house this time?
9. Shall we try lesson planning together?
10. Shall we study tonight?

C. Use "Shall" and "Let's" or "Would" from Chapter 2 to make a proposal, cued from the question.

ex. Is that drawer stuck?
Yes, it is. Would you help me with it?

Is this the right door?
Yes, it is. Shall we go in?

1. Is it lunch time?
2. Are those people friends of yours?
3. Is the bus crowded at this time?
4. Is this dirt on the floor?
5. Is the sun out now?
6. That tire's flat, isn't it?
7. Are you busy right now?
8. Is smoking permitted here?
9. Is the makkoli good here?
10. Isn't English hard?