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Unit 7

Chapter 2

IV. Writing

A. Based only on the first paragraph of the Comprehensive Reading, circle the following inferences that are ACCURATE and cross out the ones that are INACCURATE.

  1. Businessmen talk about predictable things and teachers do, too.
  2. Neither thinking nor learning is fascinating.
  3. For learning about each other, Koreans depend on language and Americans do, too.
  4. It is interesting to think about how we learn about others.
  5. Topics of conversation aren't predictable and neither are people.
  6. Businessmen get together and so do teachers.
  7. Talking to people is a good way to learn about them.
  8. For learning about others, Americans don't depend on language and Koreans don't either.

B. After you have decided which sentences should be circled and which ones should be crossed out, arrange the circled ones in an order that corresponds with the order in the first paragraph of the Comprehensive Reading.