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Unit 7

Chapter 5

Connectors (p. 470)

I go swimming whenever the weather is nice.
I sometimes wear a raincoat whether or not it is raining.
it is raining or not
Once he saw his wife, he was all right.
Unless we know why we know something, we don't know anything.

I. Exchanges

A: You can go with us, can't you?
B: Well, I can go unless my wife is still sick.

A: Are you still tired from the trip?
B: No. Once I took a bath I was OK.

A: I'm ready to go whenever you are.
B: Unless it's raining, let's go now.

A: If you tell her, she won't like it.
B: I'm going to tell her whether she likes it or not.

II. Review Reading

The Value of Silence

Everyone likes to travel, and Connie was no exception. Whenever she had a chance, she would go to some fascinating place. She was young enough and free enough to go from one exciting place to another. Once she came back from a trip, she would tell others all about her adventure, whether they were interested or not.

She was so fascinated with her travels that she would start every conversation with a description of her most recent trip. She wanted everyone to know as much about other places as she did. She was too excited about her own experiences to think about others and their experiences.

Soon people began to avoid meeting Connie. It was not fun for others to be around her. This was such a shock to Connie that she began to think. She had been thinking about herself so much that she neglected others.

The next time Connie met a group of her friends she avoided talking about herself and her travels. She wouldn't talk about herself unless someone asked her something. She asked her friends to talk about themselves and their experiences. Neither Connie nor