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182 THE WAR FINANCES OF HENRY V April formed into a bailliage under Sir Roland Lenthale early in March* 1 A ' bailli ' for the Cotentin was appointed in anticipation of a quick and easy conquest, 2 while a series of • vicomtes ' followed Gloucester's victorious advance upon Cherbourg. 3 Meanwhile the successful push eastward in May 1418 enabled Henry to bring under his administrative as well as military control the valleys of the Rille and Eure. 4 At the same time the organization of a central administration, begun already by the appointment of Tiptoft and Robessart, continued with the appointment of a mint-master, 5 a chancellor, 6 and a receiver-general. 7 By the middle of 1418, then, the four ' bailliages ' of Lower Normandy and their component * vicomtes ', with the exception of Cherbourg and Domfront, were under English administration, while at Caen there was a ' supreme court ' for administering justice, and a treasury to direct the collection and disbursement of the duchy's revenues. Organization in Upper Normandy followed close upon military occupation. A ' bailli ' was set over Rouen before the capital of the * bailliage ' had actually surrendered, 8 while a ' vicomte-receveur ' was commissioned by the end of the month. 9 Sir Roger Fenys became ' bailli ' of Caux on 23 January 1419, 10 and by the end of February there were • vicomtes-rece- veurs ' n at Arques and Longueville, 12 Neufchatel and Gournay, 13 Caudebec, 14 and Gisors and Vernon. 15 To these, orders went out to collect all arrears due from the royal domain, especially for I Hardy, p. 258. 2 14 March 1418 (Roles de Brequigny, 326). 3 Vire (Exchequer Accts. 187/14, fo. 4 r ; Cal. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 710), Carentan ( Vautier, Eoctrait du Registre des Dons, etc., fails dans le Duche de Normandie, pendant les Annies 1418, 1419, et 1420, p. 28), Mortain and Valognes (Col. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 710, 712).

  • On 2 June Sir John Radclyf became ' bailli ' of Evreux {Roles de Brequigny,

126 ; Col. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 713). By a scribe's error this appointment was dated in the Chancery Roll 2 May. The error is patent when we note that the document was issued from Bernay, whereas other documents of 2 May were issued from Caen {Cal. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 684, 710). That the error is in the roll appears from the agree- ment of the Calendar and the Rdles de Brequigny. It is noteworthy that the preceding nine documents on the roll are dated May. In May and June ' vicomtes ' and ' rece- veurs ' were appointed for Verneuil and Chateauneuf (Roles de Briquigny, 161), Evreux, Beaumont-le-Roger, Conches and Breteuil, Bernay and Monstreul (ibid. 1198). For Bernay see also Hardy, p. 365. A 'bailli' of Louviers was appointed 12 July (Roles de Brequigny, 211). 5 Hardy, p. 270. 6 Cal. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 710. 7 20 May 1418, John Golafre (Cal. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 712). 8 2 January 1419 (Roles de Brequigny, 1215). 9 Ibid. 1222, 378. 10 Alias Fieules (ibid. 732 ; Cal. of French Rolls, 44. 620). II The combination of these offices was followed to a considerable extent in Lower Normandy also from 1419 (Roles de Brequigny, 544, 903, 986, 1300, 1317 ; Cal. of Norm. Rolls, 41. 747, 759 ; 42. 313, 317. 12 Roles de Brequigny. 1222. 13 Ibid. " Ibid. 290. 15 Ibid. 1222.