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1921 AND THE DUKE OF BEDFORD 185 English captain at Vittefleur, both they and the neighbouring garrisons drawing their wages from the abbey revenues, so that the receiver had occasion to record that the revenues from the abbey lands were 'cueillis et emportes pour le temps de ce present compte par les Engles des garnisons de Dieppe et Arques or again, * de la seigneurie de Fecamp neant pour ledit an pour ce que messir Jehan Fastolf ... la tenue et racueillie en sa main sans rendre aucune chose ', or still again, ' Ferme de Ingouville et St. Vallert baillee ... 30 muis de ble dont par Fastolf fu prinse et levee la greigneur partie dicelles ... a cause de ses gaiges 1 In the early years of the English occupation this domainial and regalian income was the largest item in the revenue derived from Normandy. During the fiscal year 1419-20 (1 May- 30 April) it amounted to 72,910 livres tournois or 45 per cent, of the total, of which two-thirds were collected in the bailliages of Caen and the Cotentin. 2 In the fiscal year 1421-2 it was 76,312 livres tournois, but it was now only 23-6 per cent, of the whole. In the meantime there had been extensive alienations, so that the income from Rouen must be added to that from Caen and the Cotentin to make two-thirds of this branch of revenue. Two years later the continued practice of making grants of land to Englishmen, and of restoring their lands to submissive Normans, had reduced this income to 47,469 livres tournois, of which 14,366 livres tournois are from arrears. Other sources of revenue have now been found and the domain and regale represent only 11 per cent, of the whole. 3 The greatest activity in distributing Norman lands, and thereby decreasing the domain, came after the fall of Rouen, when the conquest was complete and there had been time enough to judge what measure of success could be expected from Henry's lenient policy towards the Normans. During 1419 there were some 250 recipients of fiefs, of which the total annual income was estimated at 116,346 livres tournois. This is exclusive of the great lordships of Graville, Preaux, Dangu, St. Sauveur- le-Vicomte, Eu, and Tancarville, for which no estimate of income appears in the royal grants. In the preceding period, from August 1417, there had been only ninety grants, estimated at 40,346 livres tournois annual value, not including the county of Harcourt and the barony of Hommet ; while in the three 1 Compte de Jehan Cuillier, iv. 4557, 4558, citing ff. 32% 26 r , 27 v . For Vittefleur see ibid. iv. 4563. 8 Exchequer Accts. 187/14, ff. 1 7 T . 3 Alington's third account (1 May 1421-30 April 1422) in summary is regained from Foreign Accts. 61 B v ff., where he gives account of his office from 1 May 1421 to August 1422, when he left office, by subtracting the items of his fourth account (1 May 1422 — August 1422) which we have in full in Exchequer Accts. 188/7. Surreau's account for 1423-4 is Bib. Nat., Fonds Francais, 4485 (see pp. 11-22).