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312 SHORT NOTICES April up in manuscript at a Stambul bookstall, by Mouhib Effendi, ambassador of Selim III to Napoleon. The report contains interesting conversations with Napoleon (who told the envoy that he had gone to war against Russia to get the Bocche di Cattaro and who discussed the Serbian rising) and with Talleyrand, and shows the alarm of the Turks at the French occupation of the Ragusan republic in 1806. The mutilated names of Italian and Balkan towns mentioned (pp. 105-6) may be identified : ' Keramote ' is Cremona, ' Pouzzole ' Bozzolo, ' Isvonik ' Zvornik, ' Pier- pol ' Bijelopolje, and ' Wulschtrin ' Vutchitrn. W. M. The tenth part of Dr. Colenbrander's Gedenkstukken der Algemeene Geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840 x ('s Rijks Geschiedkundige Publication. The Hague : Nijhoff, 1918-20), of which three volumes have reached us, is to cover the government of William I from 1830 to 1840. The first volume contains exclusively English reports, and, with a few exceptions, consists of documents from the Public Record Office (Series Belgium, France, and Holland). It completes the information given in the parliamentary paper of 1833 (papers relating to the affairs of Belgium), and is throughout mainly concerned with the Belgian question, but contains also a certain amount of matter bearing on other matters such as trade questions and the rise of a parliamentary opposition in Holland. The second volume contains French reports mostly from the series Angle- terre, Belgique, and Hollande in the Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Paris. Just as the first volume contains some extracts from the printed Wellington dispatches, this volume has some from Talleyrand's memoirs. His general instructions and policy were ' maintenir la paix en conservant intacte la dignite de la France ', and though French policy, as Dr. Colen- brander observes, vacillated a good deal, it came back to that. Beginning moderately, it became more ambitious when the Polish revolt tied the hands of Russia, but Casimir Perier returned to a moderate policy. The third volume contains Prussian reports from the Kgl. Geheimes Staats- archiv, Berlin, Austrian reports from the Vienna records, and Russian reports from the ministry of foreign affairs and the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg. These are all supplemented by documents from the Rijks- archief at The Hague (Dr. Colenbrander visited St. Petersburg just before the war, and had luckily got his copies done before the revolution broke out). The reports in this volume, Dr. Colenbrander observes, the reports of the agents of the powers which left William in the lurch, though they professed to support him, show that their agents soon became convinced that it was quite impossible to reverse the Belgian revolution. Metternich might say Le principe de non-intervention est tres populaire en Angleterre. Faux dans sa base, il peut etre soutenu par un etat insulaire. La nouvelle France n'a pas manque de se l'approprier et de le proclamer hautement. Ce sont les brigands qui recusent la gendarmerie, et les incendiaires qui protestent contre les pompiers. Nous n'admettrons jamais une pretention aussi subversive de tout ordre social, and so forth (21 October .1830). In fact Austria, Prussia, and Russia left the Belgian question to be settled by France and England. The volumes 1 See ante, xxi. 598 ; xxii. 380 ; xxiii. 801 ; xxviii. 585.