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336 THE l DE ARTE VENANDI GUM AVI BUS' July one folio after fo. 58 (ii. 33), not found in m, must have been made between c. 1300 and 1596. On the miniatures, see Seroux d'Agincourt, UHistoire de VArt (Paris, 1823), v, pi. 73 and text ; Venturi, Storia delV Arte Italiana, ii. nos. 277 f., iii. nos. 689-98 ; Graf zu Erbach-Fiirstenau, Die Man- fredbibel (Leipzig, 1910), c. 2. Those on the second page, one of which is reproduced in the Augsburg edition, evidently represent Frederick II on his throne ; that on fo. 5 V , on the margin of Manfred's first addition, is plausibly conjectured by Erbach to represent Manfred. The administra- tion of the Vatican library plans a publication of the whole manuscript in facsimile edition. For this and other information and assistance I am specially indebted to Monsignor A. Pelzer. M 1. Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, MS. 10948. A sixteenth-century copy, apparently from M, omitting the preface and introduction. m. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS. Fr. 12400. Parchment, 186 folios, c. 1300, with illustrations. A French translation, made for Jean de Dampierre and his daughter Isabel, probably c. 1290-1300. See Notices et Extraits des MSS., vi. 404 ; Pichon, in Bulletin du Bibliophile, xvi. 894-7 (1863). The text is that of M, including the additions of Man- fred ; probably the version is based on M itself, for the illustrations of M are followed as well as may be and the same lacuna occurs in i. 23 ; but the text of M had not yet been injured by moisture or by the holes in the first folio. On the miniatures see Vitzthum, Die Pariser Miniatur- malerei des xiii. Jahrhunderts, pp. 228 f. (Leipzig, 1907). m 1. Geneva, MS. Fr. 170. Parchment, fifteenth century, with illustra- tions. Same translation as m. See Senebier, Catalogue Raisonne des MSS. } pp. 426 f . ; Aubert, in Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Charles, Ixxii. 307-9. wi2. Bibliotheque Nationale, MS. Fr. 1296. A different French translation of the second book only. See Pichon, pp. 898 f. II. Containing the whole six books, 1 without Manfred's additions : B. Paris, Bibliotheque Mazarine, MS. 3716. Parchment, 589 pages, early fifteenth century, with remnants of a coat of arms of Anjou-Sicily. P. 589 : ' Explicit liber falconum cum quibus venantur.' See Pichon, pp. 888-91. I have a complete rotograph of this manuscript. The illumina- tions, save for the first page, are confined to a few initials and have nothing in common with those of M and its derivatives. In bk. i B contains (pp. 32-7) after c. 15 a passage on the feeding of birds of prey which is lacking in M, and in c. 23 it enables us (pp. 47-72) to fill the important lacuna in the M group. At the close of this book (pp. 139 f.) it repeats c. 54 which it has already on p. 120. In bk. ii it omits the last sentence of the prologue and cc. 1-30, resuming with c. 31 on p. 90 of the edition ; it fills (pp. 146-9) the lacuna in c. 33 ; inserts (pp. 256 f.) eight lines at the end of c. 76 ; and finishes (pp. 277-81) the treatment of hooding in c. 80 left incomplete by the break in M. 1 The Bodleian MS. Digby 152 (saec. xiv) contains, fos. 42-54 v , a loose body of extracts comprising a large part of the first half of bk. iii, incorporated as bk. iv of a treatise of which the lost third book dealt with the subject of Frederick's second, even taking over Frederick's reference to his own second book (fo, 42 v = MS. B, p. 282). As this manuscript begins with the fourth book of the treatise and breaks off in the middle (=MS. B, p. 323), further comparison is impossible.