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406 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS July 115. Assisi, 20 May 1254. Confirmation of sentence by bishop of Hereford annulling Henry Ill's marriage contract with Joan of Ponthieu and confirming his marriage with Eleanor of Provence. Innocentius. Bulla ; silk. ' Iustis petentium desideriis '. [Not in Potthast.] Cleop. E. i, fos. 194 b-195. Alexander IV (1254-61) 116. Date lost. Licence to Barking Abbey to retain out of the tenth granted by the pope to Henry III for his crusade sufficient to satisfy liability incurred by it as security for a loan raised for the king by the bishop of Hereford. Alexander. Bulla lost. ' Prouisionis nostre prouenire '. [Not in Potthast.] Royal MS. 17 B. xii, fo. 52. Imperfect, having lost the latter part. 117. ... kal. Martii (?), . . . Confirmation of Tyburne Church to Blackmore Priory. Alexander. Bulla lost. ' M[eritis] uestre religionis '. [Apparently not in Potthast.] Cotton Ch. xxi. 3. Badly defaced and largely illegible. 118. Naples, 20 March 1255. Licence to bishop of Hereford for appoint- ment of seven clerks to benefices. Alexander. Silk threads of bulla. ' Honestum esse censemus '. [Not in Potthast.] Harl. Ch. Ill A. 21. 119. Naples, 9 April 1255 ; by Guillelmus, ' mag. scol. Parm.', vice-chancellor. Confirmation of kingdom of Sicily to Edmund of Lancaster. First line. Rota, monogram, subscriptions. Silk threads of bulla.

  • Assueta sedis apostolice '. [Potthast 15784, ii. 1301.] Cleop. E. i,

fos. 189 b-190. 120. Anagni, 23 July 1255. Confirmation to the Templars of the tithes of Barbonne. Alexander. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Quanto maiori religione '. [Not in Potthast.] Add. Ch. 11280. 121. Anagni, 19 August 1255. Release of Cistercian houses in England from liability for tithes on hay from their own lands. Alexander. Bulla ; silk. * Pro reuerentia gloriose '. [Not in Potthast.] Harl. Ch. Ill A. 20. 122. Anagni, 19 August [1255 ?]. Confirmation to the Templars of tithes at Ressons (' in parrochia Resonen.'). Alexander. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Suggestum est nobis '. [Not in Potthast.] Add. Ch. 11281. 123. Lateran, 11 December 1255. Grant to Cistercian Order of exemption from levies by the Holy See unless special mention is made of this bull and of the order. Alexander. Bulla ; silk. ' Religionis uestre meretur '. [Potthast 16123, ii. 1325.] Harl. Ch. 75 A. 2. 124. Lateran, 21 January 1256. Confirmation of grant by Philip I of France of St. Martin des Champs to Cluny. Alexander, Traces of holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Exigentibus uestre deuotionis '. [Potthast 16203, ii. 1331.] Add. Ch. 1546. 125. Lateran, 21 February 1 1256. General confirmation to Cistercian 1 ' x kal. Martii ' (leap year). Potthast is again wrong in his datings from 16254 to 1626] inclusive. f