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410 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS July monks of the abbey, had they remained in the world. Nicolaus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Deuotionis uestre precibus [Not in Potthast.] Add Ch. 12781. Martin IV (1281-5) 157. Orvieto, 28 May 1282. General confirmation to Huntingdon Priory. Martinus. Bulla lost. ' Solet annuere sedes '. [Not in Pott- hast.] Aug. ii. 122. 158. Orvieto, 8 June 1282. Mandate to archdeacon of Leicester in suit between Kenilworth Priory and bishop of Coventry and Lichfield concerning Lillington Church. Martinus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Conquesti sunt nobis '. [Not in Potthast.] Harl. Ch. 43 A. 45. 159. Orvieto, 19 January 1283. Exhortation to Genoa to make peace with Pisa. Martinus. Holes (3) 1 for threads of bulla. ' Onus apostolice sollicitudinis '. [Not in Potthast, who, however, has the similar letter to Pisa, of the same date.] Add. Ch. 12780. 160. Orvieto, 27 April 1283. General confirmation to Dale Abbey. Martinus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Cum a nobis '. [Not in Potthast.] Wolley Ch. xi. 2. 161. Orvieto, 13 November 1283. General confirmation to Rufford Abbey. Martinus. Bulla ; silk. ' Cum a nobis '. [Not in Pott- hast.] Harl. Ch. Ill A. 26. Nicholas IV (1288-92) 162. Rome, St. Peter's, 24 April 1288. Licence to Clairvaux Abbey to grant moiety of Rotherham Church to some abbey of the Cistercian Order for an annual payment for the support of brethren of Clair- vaux studying at Paris. Nicolaus. Bulla ; string. ' Presentata nobis ex '. [Not in Potthast.] Harl. Ch. Ill A. 27. 163. Orvieto, 8 June 1291. Remonstrance to Edward I of England concerning practice of English courts in not permitting production of papal letters. Nicolaus. String of bulla. ■ Dudum ad nostram '. [Potthast 23697, ii. 1898 ; Langlois, Registres de Nicolas IV, p. 894, no. 6719.] Cleop. E. i, fos. 244 b-245. Boniface VIII (1294-1303) 2 164. Date lost. 3 Name of addressee lost, but the dean and chapter of Wells are mentioned, and there is reference to a canonry and de VAbbaye . . . de Tiron (Chartres, 1883), ii. 197-9, and dated 4 April and 9 April respectively, are more probably to be assigned to Nicholas ITI than, with the editor, to Nicholas IV. 1 Besides the usual two there is one higher up, to the left, and perhaps the ends of the threads were passed through this. 2 Bulls of Boniface VIII and Boniface IX should, one would think, be easy enough to distinguish on palaeographical grounds alone ; but as a matter of fact, though this is certainly the case with most of the bulls in the British Museum, there are one or two with regard to which decision is not altogether easy. I have transferred from Boni- face VIII to Boniface IX two bulls hitherto attributed to the former and one bull from Boniface IX to Boniface VIII. The reasons* for doing so are in each case stated in foot-notes. 3 Attributed in the new Catalogue of the Royal MSS. (not yet published) to Boni-